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CBI » 6 Finish » 67 Painting, decoration and coating » 674 Protective coatings
6741 Waterproof coatings (16)
Liquid applied as, a thin film or penetrating coating, providing a waterproof or damp-proof barrier, etc., when not applied as a part of a waterproof membrane, DPM or DPC
6742 Fire-rated coatings to metal (27)
Insulative and intumescent coatings of binders and mineral and organic fillers, applied to the metal substrate as a fire-rated coating
6743 Fire-rated coatings to timber and non-metal substrates (124)
"Insulative and intumescent coatings of binders and mineral and organic fillers, applied to the timber or non-metal substrate as a fire-rated coating"
6744 Protective coatings (151)
Specialist protective coatings of all types of substrate, applied by licensed and/or trained applicators
6745 Protective coatings to steel and other metals (60)
Specialist protective coatings for steel and other metals, applied by licensed and/or trained applicators
6746 Powdercoating (20)
Electrostatically applied coatings of all types, applied by licensed and/or trained applicators
6747 Protective coatings to floors (10)
Liquid treatment applied to floor surfaces to provide special characteristics such as slip resistance, conductivity for static control, etc., when not applied as a part of the floor finish
6748 Miscellaneous protective coatings (4)
Specialist protective coatings of special character, applied by licensed and/or trained applicators
masterspec partner
Cabot's Laminate Floor Restore
Dulux New Zealand
A maintenance coating for use on interior laminate floors
masterspec partner
Resene Aquapoxy for Flooring Waterborne Epoxy
Resene Paints Ltd
Is a two pack, low VOC, waterborne, glossy, non-yellowing epoxy floor coating.
masterspec partner
Fosroc Nitoflor FC150 HP
Floor / wall coating, high performance epoxy, solvent free, food grade.
masterspec partner
Equus Chevaline Epistixx CP
Equus Industries Limited
Semi-gloss, waterborne epoxy coating for car parking decks
masterspec partner
Equus Chevaline Epistixx Rapid Topcoat
Equus Industries Limited
A glossy fast-curing water-borne epoxy finish coat for use on most flooring surfaces.
masterspec partner
Equus Traxx Flooring
Equus Industries Limited
Smooth or non-skid floor coating system
masterspec partner
Osmo Polyx®-Oil Effect "Raw"
Osmo New Zealand Limited
Polyx®-Oil Effect "Raw" helps to reduce the yellowing effect on timbers from UV light.
masterspec partner
Equus Chevaline Epistixx SL
Equus Industries Limited
Self-levelling epoxy floor coating
masterspec partner
Equus Traxx Solvent Sealer
Equus Industries Limited
Clearglaze finish sealer for concrete floors.
Eurostone Flooring System
Polymer Group Ltd
Light weight, decorative epoxy flooring system suitable for concrete and steel substrates
Construction Information Ltd Construction Information Limited
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