Standards New Zealand
New Zealand's leading developer and publisher of Standards and Standards solutions. |
A Crown Research Institute dedicated to building the international competitiveness of the New Zealand forest industry |
New Zealand Planning Institute
The professional organisation representing planners, resource managers, urban designers, and environmental practitioners. |
Local Government New Zealand
The organisation that represents the national interests of councils in New Zealand |
Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)
Welcome to the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) - Building & Housing Information |
New Zealand Institute of Architects
The professional body that represents some 85% of all registered architects in New Zealand |
Architectural Designers New Zealand
The national professional body representing architectural designers |
Designers Institute of New Zealand
A professional organisation for all types of designers in New Zealand |
New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architects
To foster and develop an understanding of architectural landscape processes |
New Zealand heavy Engineering Research Association
An organisation dedicated to serving the needs of metal-based industries in New Zealand. |
Institute of Professional Engineers New Zealand
the professional body which represents professional engineers from all disciplines in New Zealand |
Association of Consulting Engineers New Zealand
The business association for engineers and related professionals for the built and natural environment. |
Registered Master Builders Association of New Zealand
Representing New Zealand's premier building and construction companies |
New Zealand Institute of Building
A professional institute in New Zealand for persons engaged in building practice |
Certified Builders Association of New Zealand
An organisation that recognises and promotes builders trade qualifications. |
Building Research Association of New Zealand
An independent and impartial research, testing, consulting and information company. |
Building Officials Institute New Zealand
Ensuring the quality of New Zealand's buildings meet the requirements of the community and their occupiers. |
Building Industry Federation
Representing the supply chain of the building industry. |
New Zealand Metal Roofing Manufacturers Association
Representing companies that roll-form steel and other metals for roofing and cladding purposes. |
Roofing Association of New Zealand
The national trade organisation and representative collective voice for the roofing industry. |
New Zealand Green Build Council
A not-for-profit, industry organisation dedicated to accelerating the development and adoption of market-based green building. |
Construction Information
New Zealand's market leader in providing specification systems and supporting software for the construction industry. |
Association of Wall and Ceiling Industries Australia & New Zealand
A grouping of industry organisations established to represent the interests of members and their customers for interior wall and ceiling lining systems. |
Cement and Concrete Association New Zealand
Ensuring that industry decision makers realise the full potential of concrete. |
Claddings Institute of New Zealand
A non-profit organisation established to focus collective resources to promote quality performance of building envelopes. |
Frame and Truss Manufacturers Association of New Zealand
Determined to raise the standards of the industry and commit to high quality framing practice in New Zealand. |
Waterproofing Membrane Association NZ Inc.
A group of companies who have an interest in membranes used for waterproofing applications. |
National Association of Steel Framed Housing
An active industry association centred on light structural framing systems for residential and similar construction. |
National Kitchen and Bathroom Association New Zealand
New Zealand's only association specifically for the kitchen and bathroom industry. |
New Zealand Institute of Quantity Surveyors
An advocate for all Quantity Surveyors on construction industry and Quantity Surveying education issues. |
New Zealand Joinery Manufacturers Federation
A representation of some of New Zealand's best joinery manufacturers who pride themselves on delivering high quality products and services. |
New Zealand Timber Industry Federation
Representing 80 percent of sawmills producing over 5000m3 of timber per annum, the NZTIF fosters a fraternity of committed members and a culture of cooperation, mutual encouragement and friendship |
Window Association of New Zealand
The commercially neutral meeting place for everybody involved in any aspect of the New Zealand window industry. |