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Proline Protective Coatings Limited (11)
Dulux New Zealand (10)
Hempel (Wattyl) New Zealand Limited (10)
Altex Coatings Limited (7)
Resene Paints Ltd (6)
Fireshield Fire Protection Coatings (4)
Fosroc (3)
Polymer Group Ltd (2)
Akzonobel Coatings Ltd (1)
Apco Coatings (NZ) Limited (1)
Equus Industries Limited (1)
Metalier Ltd (1)
PaintPlus Colour Systems Ltd (1)
Rockbond Special Concrete Products (1)
Sika (NZ) Ltd (1)
Jotun (11)
Dulux (10)
Wattyl (9)
Carboline (7)
Resene (6)
Fireshield (4)
Enduracoat (2)
Fosroc (2)
Apco Coatings (1)
Equus Schomburg (1)
International (1)
Metalier (1)
PaintPlus (1)
Rockbond (1)
Sikagard (1)
Taubmans (1)
Vector (1)
6 Finish
67 Painting, decoration and coating
674 Protective coatings
6741 Waterproof coatings (16)
Liquid applied as, a thin film or penetrating coating, providing a waterproof or damp-proof barrier, etc., when not applied as a part of a waterproof membrane, DPM or DPC
6742 Fire-rated coatings to metal (27)
Insulative and intumescent coatings of binders and mineral and organic fillers, applied to the metal substrate as a fire-rated coating
6743 Fire-rated coatings to timber and non-metal substrates (124)
"Insulative and intumescent coatings of binders and mineral and organic fillers, applied to the timber or non-metal substrate as a fire-rated coating"
6744 Protective coatings (151)
Specialist protective coatings of all types of substrate, applied by licensed and/or trained applicators
6745 Protective coatings to steel and other metals (60)
Specialist protective coatings for steel and other metals, applied by licensed and/or trained applicators
6746 Powdercoating (20)
Electrostatically applied coatings of all types, applied by licensed and/or trained applicators
6747 Protective coatings to floors (10)
Liquid treatment applied to floor surfaces to provide special characteristics such as slip resistance, conductivity for static control, etc., when not applied as a part of the floor finish
6748 Miscellaneous protective coatings (4)
Specialist protective coatings of special character, applied by licensed and/or trained applicators
Wattyl Killrust Oil Based Galvanised Iron Primer
Hempel (Wattyl) New Zealand Limited
Oil based corrosion inhibiting primer
Wattyl Killrust Cold Galvit
Hempel (Wattyl) New Zealand Limited
Single pack anti-corrosive zinc rich epoxy primer
Dulux Duremax GPE Zinc Phosphate
Dulux New Zealand
General Purpose Epoxy Zinc Phosphate Primer
Dulux Luxepoxy 4 White Primer
Dulux New Zealand
A non inhibitive two pack solvent borne primer based on an epoxy resin and polyamide curing agent
Wattyl Killrust Rust Eater (Rust Converter)
Hempel (Wattyl) New Zealand Limited
Rust converter for iron and steel surfaces
Jotun Hardtop AX
Proline Protective Coatings Limited
This is a two component chemically curing aliphatic acrylic polyurethane coating.
Resene Alumastic - High Build Epoxy Paint
Resene Paints Ltd
Self-priming maintenance coat over steel, rusted steel and galvanised steel.
Resene Rust-Arrest alkyd anti-corrosive primer
Resene Paints Ltd
A lead & chromate free primer for use on steel where optimum surface preparation is not practical.
Dulux Metalshield All Surface Primer
Dulux New Zealand
heavy duty primer ideal for bare steel and wrought iron and suitable for a wide range of metals
Enduracoat Penetrating Sealer
Polymer Group Ltd
Flexible and Chemical resistant Sealer with good wetting properties, anchor for many topcoats.
Wattyl Killrust Metal Primer
Hempel (Wattyl) New Zealand Limited
Anti-corrosive metal primer
Fireshield WoodSafe-Interior
Fireshield Fire Protection Coatings
WoodSafe™-interior- a factory applied fire rated solution used to impregnate timber to Group 1-S
Dulux Luxathane R
Dulux New Zealand
A full gloss, two component acrylic polyurethane
Fireshield Fireshield SQ476
Fireshield Fire Protection Coatings
A solvent based acrylic thin film intumescent basecoat up to 120min steel protection int/ext
Fireshield Steel 1001
Fireshield Fire Protection Coatings
Waterborne, Declare,thin-film intumescent coating for interior structural steel. 30-60min FRR
Dulux Zincshield
Dulux New Zealand
a high zinc containing primer specifically formulated and designed for powder coating applications
Resene Zincilate 11 inorganic zinc silicate single pack
Resene Paints Ltd
A sacrificial priming system for steel with superb anti-corrosive properties.
Carboline Pro-Seal® Intumescent Seal Coat
Altex Coatings Limited
Intumescent seal coat and cure promoter
Dulux Durebild STE
Dulux New Zealand
Surface Tolerant High Build High Solids Epoxy Coating
Resene Galvo One galvanised steel primer
Resene Paints Ltd
a single pack primer based on alkyd resins and special anti-corrosive pigments.
Sikagard -62
Sika (NZ) Ltd
A two part epoxy resin based protective coating 100% solids Solvent free Good chemical resistance
Carboline Carbothane® 134 HG
Altex Coatings Limited
Polyurethane gloss two-pack finish coat
Wattyl Killrust Metal Prep (Rust Remover)
Hempel (Wattyl) New Zealand Limited
Acid based compound with rust removing additives.
Resene Galvo-Prime waterborne galvanised steel primer
Resene Paints Ltd
A water reducible primer that matches its solvent reducible analogues even in marine exposures.
Taubmans UnderProof Acrylic Galvanised Iron Primer
Hempel (Wattyl) New Zealand Limited
Acrylic galvanised iron primer paint
Carboline Carbozinc® 11
Altex Coatings Limited
Solvent based inorganic zinc silicate primer
Wattyl Killrust Superior Protection Epoxy Enamel (SPEE)
Hempel (Wattyl) New Zealand Limited
Rust inhibiting epoxy enamel paint finish.
Equus Schomburg ASOCRET KS/HB Repair Mortar
Equus Industries Limited
Mineral based corrosion protection for steel and concrete
Carboline Carboguard® 635
Altex Coatings Limited
A corrosion resistant two-pack epoxy fast recoat primer
Apco Coatings Biowash Mould Remover and Cleaner
Apco Coatings (NZ) Limited
Designed to kill moss and mould
Construction Information Limited
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