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Simpson Strong-Tie (9)
Simpson Strong-Tie (9)
CBI » 4 Enclosure » 42 Wall and soffit cladding » 426 Masonry veneer cladding
4261 Brickwork (89)
Brickwork consisting generally of bricks laid in courses on a mortar bed to form veneers of cavity wall construction. Facing wythes
4262 Prefabricated brick panels (0)
Prefabricated panels of bricks, without a concrete backing slab, held together with steel reinforcement and with all joints and interstices fully grouted or formed with adhesives, the panels fixed to the building structure usually as a veneer over a cavity
4263 Hollow concrete blockwork (1)
Blockwork consisting of hollow concrete blocks laid in courses on a mortar bed to form veneers of cavity wall construction
4264 Solid concrete blockwork (1)
Blockwork constructed of solid concrete or aerated autoclaved concrete blocks, laid in courses on a mortar bed to form veneers of cavity wall construction
4265 Fired-clay blockwork (1)
Blockwork consisting of fired-clay blocks laid in courses on a mortar bed to form veneers of cavity wall construction
4266 Unfired earth masonry (0)
Earth masonry consisting generally of unfired blocks and bricks, including pressed bricks, made of clay and other earth materials, with or without reinforcement and bituminous, plastics or cementitious binders, laid in courses to form veneer of cavity wall construction
4268 Miscellaneous Masonry Veneer Cladding (9)
Masonry veneer cladding and related items of various types and materials
masterspec partner
Simpson Strong-Tie SAE Heavy Duty Face Fix Joist Hanger
Simpson Strong-Tie
A heavy-duty hanger designed for applications requiring additional strength.
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Simpson Strong-Tie Strong-Rod ATS
Simpson Strong-Tie
Continuous rod tiedown solutions for multi-storey, timber-frame in seismic and high-wind areas.
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Simpson Strong-Tie LUS Double Shear Joist Hanger
Simpson Strong-Tie
The LUS has Double-Shear Nailing. It distributes the load through two points on each joist nail.
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Simpson Strong-Tie SDWC Truss Screw
Simpson Strong-Tie
The Strong‑Drive® SDWC Truss Screw provides a truss and rafter-to-top plate connection.
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Simpson Strong-Tie IUC Face Fix Concealed Joist Hanger
Simpson Strong-Tie
A heavy-duty face-mount joist hanger provides cleaner lines for exposed conditions.
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Simpson Strong-Tie TNT Titen Turbo Concrete and Masonry Screw
Simpson Strong-Tie
Titen Turbo™ concrete and masonry screw anchor-Reliable installation. Less torque
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Simpson Strong-Tie VT-HP High Performance Chemical Anchor
Simpson Strong-Tie
Fast cure vinylester resin-based chemical anchor qualified for use in seismic regions - C1/C2
masterspec partner
Simpson Strong-Tie BPIR - All Simpson Strong-Tie Products
Simpson Strong-Tie
All BPIRs are in PDF format and require Adobe's free Acrobat Reader.
masterspec partner
Simpson Strong-Tie HTT Tension Tie & Holdown
Simpson Strong-Tie
For heavy‑duty holdown applications on studs and offer a solution for resisting tension loads.
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