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8 External
82 Pavements
821 Pavement bases and sub-bases
8212 Sub bases to asphaltic sealing and paving (0)
Preparing the sub-grade and laying hardcore and granular basecourse as required for asphaltic sealing and paving
8213 Hardcore, granular and cement-bound bases and sub-bases to pavements (0)
Preparing the sub-grade and laying hardcore, granular or cement-bound bases to roads, paths and pavings of any kind
8215 Concrete bases and sub-bases to pavements (5)
Preparing the sub-grade and laying cement-bound bases to roads, paths and pavings of any kind
8217 Permeable bases and sub-bases for pavement and surfacing (0)
Preparing the sub-grade and laying granular and/or permeable cement-bound bases to permeable roads, paths and pavings of any kind
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