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7811 Communications cabling and wireless systems (6)
Systems for communication between two or more points using a cable network or wireless system, for non-residential buildings
7812 Radio-frequency, microwave, wireless communication (0)
Communication systems between two or more points, transmitting speech and general audio, visual, audio-visual and digital information, using radio-frequency, microwave and general wireless transmission as part of the system, with transmitting and receiving equipment appropriate to its purpose, with electronic or hard copy recording facilities
7813 Listening support systems (0)
Communication between the transmitted information to an induction loop within a building and equipment designed to receive the information
7814 Audio systems (2)
Systems for the transmission and amplification of natural speech, music and other sound, and of recorded or radio-frequency transmitted sound, using speaker systems appropriate to the purpose. May include sound amplification, public address etc.
7815 Time-band information systems (0)
Systems to provide information related to time, including actual time, elapsed time, etc.
7816 Medical communication systems (0)
Nurse call and patient communication systems and medical monitoring systems
7817 Communications cabling and wireless for residential (0)
Systems for communication between two or more points using, cable networks and wireless systems, for residential buildings
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