7461 Foul water drainage (3) All buried drainlines, of stoneware, plastics or metal, including drainage for landscaping, connected to and carrying waste and soil discharges from above-ground waste and soil pipes and fittings to the statutory authority sewer, other outfall or to holding tanks and connecting thereto
7462 Sewage treatment systems (3) Sewage treatment system, including gravity septic tank systems, for treating human or animal sewage and waste products to render them suitable for discharge into a statutory authority's sewerage system, into absorption pits and trenches or into district drainage channels
7463 Site sewage disposal systems (3) Disposing of sewage, after treatment as required, on site into absorption pits and trenches
7464 Sewage pumping systems (1) A system with receiving and storage tanks for the reception of sewage and wastes at one level and transferring it by pump or ejector to discharge into drains or sewers at a higher level