4341 Natural slate roofing and wall-hanging (3) Natural slate roofing and wall-hanging fixed to timber battens
4342 Fibre cement slate roofing and wall-hanging (0) Fibre cement sheets, cut or formed to natural slate shape and fixed to battens to simulate slate
roofing and wall-hanging
4343 Reconstructed stone slate roofing and wall-hanging (0) Reconstructed stone, precast concrete and other cement-based slates, cast in shape and with
texture and colour to simulate natural slates, with or without ground natural slate incorporated as a
filler, fixed to battens as roofing and wall-hanging
4344 Rigid plastics slate roofing and wall-hanging (0) Rigid plastics in the form, colour and surface finish of natural slate, with or without ground natural
slate incorporated as a filler, fixed to battens as roofing and wall-hanging
4346 Fully supported thermoplastic or flexible plastics or rubber sheet slating (0) Fully supported thermoplastic or flexible plastics or rubber sheeting, cut to simulate slating, fixed to substrate with adhesives
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