ARDEX Quickbond - Rapid-Setting Tile Adhesive
ARDEX New Zealand Limited |
Polymer-modified, quick-setting, wall and floor tile adhesive - C1 FT
Quickflash Code 05 Vertical Control Joint Back Flashing
Goes Behind vertical control joints to prevent moisture getting back into the cavity.
Fosroc Nitoseal PU250
High performance, flexible, one-component, polyurethane joint sealant
Quickflash Code 13 Internal Corner Flashing
Goes Directly Behind The Cladding In Either Direct Fix or Cavity Situations
Quickflash Code 32 Vertical Control Joint Face Flashing
Goes over a vertical join in the cladding in either direct fix or cavity situations.
Selleys ArmourFlex FC
High Performance Adhesive Sealant.
Sil-X based Polymer. Designed for New Zealand conditions.
Quickflash Code 10 35mm Base & Cavity Closure flashing
Allows for venting & draining the cavity & providing straight rigid base for solid plaster to finish
Mapei Mape-Antique Rinzaffo
Mapei Products (MBP (NZ) Ltd) |
Salt-resistant, transpirant
scratch-coat mortar,
based on lime and
Mapei Keranet
Mapei Products (MBP (NZ) Ltd) |
Acid based cleaner for ceramic tiles for interior and exterior surfaces
Simpson Strong-Tie Heli-Tie™ Helical Wall Tie
Used to anchor building façades to structural members or to
stabilise multiple-skin brick walls.
Quickflash Code 07 20mm Vented Cavity Top Flashing
Ventilates the top of the Cavity while restricting water entry.
Fosroc Nitoseal SC600
Highly chemical resistant, fast cure, durable, one-component joint sealant.
Quickflash Code 49 Adjustable Head Flashing
Female part is fastened to the wall framing prior to the cladding & window/door installation.
Quickflash Code 08 Inter Storey Junction
Used to form breaks in cladding either through cavity or direct fix.
Selleys Flameflex
Selleys FlameFlex™ is a fire and acoustic rated Sil-X Sealant
Fosroc Flamex XT
Fire rated, high performance, flexible, one-component sealant for external and internal
Quickflash Code 04 External Corner Flashing
Goes directly behind the cladding in either direct fix or cavity situations.
Inseal weather seal tapes
Henkel Consumer Adhesives |
Joint seal tapes used for weather resistance behind joints in exterior sheet cladding.
ARDEX CA 20 P - Multipurpose Construction Adhesive and Sealant
ARDEX New Zealand Limited |
High bond strength, high tack
Mapei Keralastic T
Mapei Products (MBP (NZ) Ltd) |
Two-component, high-performance polyurethane adhesive for ceramic tiles and stone material
Quickflash Code 29 Horizontal 'Z' Flashing 10mm Cladding
To Suit 10 MM Cladding
Quickflash Code 36 Cant Strip Cavity Closure Flashing
Vermin proofs cavity while still allowing for air movement & any moisture to escape via 5mm dia hole
Quickflash Code 45 End Caps
To go with Base and Cavity Flashing 10
Quickflash Code 51 Adjustable Head Flashing
Run a bead of MS. Sealant along the front edge of female part before inserting male
Fosroc Flamex One
Fire rated, one-component, acrylic joint sealant for low movement interior applications.
Quickflash Code 38 Soffit Flashing
Diverts moisture from entering top of wall space. usually installed after cladding & before lining.
Fosroc Expandafoam Open cell
Low density, open cell polyurethane foam backing rod.
Quickflash Code 25 Face Flashing
External Corner
Quickflash Code 44 End Caps
To go with Base and Cavity Flashing 01
Fosroc Nitoseal MB175
Rubberised bitumen, mastic joint sealant compatible with bitumen based membranes.