Viking Roofspec Roof Gardens
A garden on your roof that offers functional and aesthetic benefits to the building and environment.
Advance Landscape Systems Ltd EcoWool Mulch Matting 2m x 30m 600gsm
Advance Landscape Systems |
Manufactured from waste NZ wool. Biodegrades over time.
Nuralite Waterproofing Nuraply 3PG Green Roof Membrane
Nuralite Waterproofing Ltd |
Nuraply 3PG is a robust double-layer waterproofing system for Green Roofs with a root inhibitor.
Advance Landscape Systems Ltd EcoCoir Blanket 450gsm
Advance Landscape Systems |
EcoCoir: a product used extensively on sloping sites where erosion is likely from wind and rainfall.
Teamturf Supereal landscaping turf
40mm pile, six tone green artificial grass, best suited for residential landscaping applications.
Advance Landscape Systems Ltd FiberGuard Plant Guard
Advance Landscape Systems |
Protects plants naturally against browsing animals, herbicide sprays and harsh elements.
Goodwood Californian Redwood Mulch
Natural garden mulch. Produced from 100% recycled wood residue. Attractive and high performing.
Hanging Gardens G Green Partition Screens
Urban Eden Ltd - T/A Hanging Gardens |
Interior green screens using soil-based growing medium, supporting structures and climbing plants
Goodwood Goodfall - Playground Safety Surfacing
100% Recycled, Engineered Wood Fibre for playgrounds. NZS 5828:2015 Certified
Teamturf Comfort Plus landscaping turf
30mm pile, green and beige artificial grass primarily used in residential landscaping applications.
EcoCover Mulch Mat
EcoCover, an organic weed mat manufactured from recycled paper designed to biodegrade into the soil.
Urban Paving Paving, landscaping and garden supplies
Concrete pavers, natural stone paving, polished concrete, stones, sands, soil and garden furniture
Hanging Gardens D Freestanding Balcony Gardens
Urban Eden Ltd - T/A Hanging Gardens |
Freestanding framed vertical gardens with soil-based growing medium designed for apartment balconies
Securapost Lighting Bollards
Securapost Lighting bollards are sleek but vandal resistant & match with fixed or removable bollards
Teamturf Evergreen playground turf
30mm pile, highly durable, long pile artificial turf for commercial applications in playgrounds.
Goodwood Coloured Garden Mulch
100% Recycled woodchip and decorative landscaping mulch. Colour range selection; black,brown,red.
Terra Lana Wool Mulchmat for Landscape Planting
Fully biodegradable non-woven wool matting for landscape planting
Hanging Gardens A Living Wall Systems - External
Urban Eden Ltd - T/A Hanging Gardens |
Green wall system using natural, soil-based growing medium to transform external vertical surfaces
Hanging Gardens H Green Facades
Urban Eden Ltd - T/A Hanging Gardens |
Green screen for building facades using soil-based growing medium, supporting structures and plants
ArmorMax® anchored reinforced vegetation system
Consisting of a Pyramat® HPTRM layer and percussion anchors that work together to lock soil in place
Hanging Gardens B Living Wall Systems - Interior
Urban Eden Ltd - T/A Hanging Gardens |
Green wall system using natural, soil-based growing medium to transform interior vertical surfaces
Hanging Gardens F Pocket Gardens - External Wood
Urban Eden Ltd - T/A Hanging Gardens |
Pocket Gardens using natural, soil-based growing medium to transform external vertical surfaces
Teamturf Proplay shockpad for playgrounds
Recycled proplay shockpad for use underneath artificial grass in playgrounds to meet CFH criteria.
Hanging Gardens C Freestanding Framed Vertical Gardens
Urban Eden Ltd - T/A Hanging Gardens |
Freestanding framed garden using soil-based growing medium to create interior partitions & features
Teamturf Natural 35
35mm pile, high density landscaping artificial turf for residential or commercial application
Advance Landscape Systems Ltd EcoJute Mulch Matting 600gsm
Advance Landscape Systems |
100% natural product. Manufactured from jute fibre.
Advance Landscape Systems Ltd FlexMSE Vegetated Retaining Wall System
Advance Landscape Systems |
A simple, innovative solution for erosion control, slope stability, soil retention.
FuturFiber Hemp Matting 2m x 30m 600gsm
Advance Landscape Systems |
Made from New Zealand hemp fibres blended with pure sheep’s wool. BioGro™ certified for organic use.
Teamturf Premium Lush landscaping turf
40mm pile, two tone green artificial grass, best suited for residential landscaping applications.
CAM Securapost Lockable Removable Security Bollards SP90R
Security removable lockable bollard with unique key locking system.