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Construction Specialties (NZ) Ltd (117)
Seismic Guys Limited (41)
Building and Span Expansion Joints (NZ) (25)
Zone Architectural Products (22)
Sika (NZ) Ltd (21)
Unite Architectural Systems Limited (6)
Mapei Products (MBP (NZ) Ltd) (1)
Construction Specialties NZ (117)
Seismic Guys (38)
Sika (18)
Wabo® (11)
Zone Balco Seismic Joint (8)
Tepromark (7)
Wabo (7)
Balco (6)
MM Systems Corp. (6)
Seismic Guys (3)
TechStar™ (3)
BAS (2)
BAS® (2)
Mapei (1)
Sikafloor (1)
Sikasil (1)
SikaSwell (1)
Zone Balco (1)
4 Enclosure
48 Enclosure sundries
482 Flashings and joint barriers
4821 Flashings (7)
Flashings when not associated with and/or included in other Work sections
4824 Expansion joint systems (233)
Joint covers and flashings for expansion or movement joints of buildings and similar types of structures. Performance may include, support imposed loads, weather protection, fire proofing, reduction of movement damage, air sealing etc. Either made from a single material or mixed materials.
Construction Specialties NZ SF-200 Exterior Wall Seismic Joint
Construction Specialties (NZ) Ltd
Exterior wall seismic joint for 50mm gap
Construction Specialties NZ ESW & ESC-400 Exterior Wall Seismic Joint
Construction Specialties (NZ) Ltd
Exterior wall seismic joint for 102mm gap
Construction Specialties NZ GFS & GFSW-100 Seismic Floor Joint
Construction Specialties (NZ) Ltd
Seismic floor joint for 25mm gap
Seismic Guys DM Series
Seismic Guys Limited
a wall to wall seismic Expansion Joint Cover
Construction Specialties NZ FWS & FWSC-800 Seismic Wall & Ceiling Joint
Construction Specialties (NZ) Ltd
Seismic wall and ceiling joint for 203mm gap
BAS PanCover
Building and Span Expansion Joints (NZ)
BAS®PanCover (floor) is a low sightline, no-bump, multi-directional expansion joint cover
Construction Specialties NZ ZB-400 Parking & Stadium Seismic Joint
Construction Specialties (NZ) Ltd
Seismic joint for 102mm gap
Construction Specialties NZ PTC & PTCW-1200 Parking & Stadium Seismic Joint
Construction Specialties (NZ) Ltd
Parking & Stadium seismic joint for 304mm gap
Tepromark TCRL-200 Crashrail
Zone Architectural Products
Sika Waterbar FB -125
Sika (NZ) Ltd
Flexible waterstop embedded into concrete on either side of the joint to seal against water ingress
MM Systems Corp. (VSS) Vertical Sealing System
Unite Architectural Systems Limited
The Vertical Seismic Sealing System is a high performance expansion joint sealing system.
Wabo® SeismicFloor
Building and Span Expansion Joints (NZ)
Interior Floor Seismic Expansion Control System
Construction Specialties NZ SC-1200 Exterior Wall Seismic Joint
Construction Specialties (NZ) Ltd
Exterior wall seismic joint for 305mm gap
BAS® Crete EC
Building and Span Expansion Joints (NZ)
100% Solids, Modified Urethane, Elastomeric Concrete Nosing / Header
Construction Specialties NZ FCF & FCFC-100 Flush Ceiling Seismic Joint
Construction Specialties (NZ) Ltd
Flush ceiling seismic joint for 25mm gap
Balco XH4FVS-1-2M Heavy Duty Floor to Wall Multi Directional
Zone Architectural Products
All Aluminium Floor Cover
Construction Specialties NZ GTR & GTRW-200 Floor Seismic Joint
Construction Specialties (NZ) Ltd
Floor seismic joint for 51mm gap
Construction Specialties NZ LAF & LAFC-400 Seismic Wall & Ceiling Joint
Construction Specialties (NZ) Ltd
Seismic wall and ceiling joint for 102mm gap
Construction Specialties NZ SF-400 Exterior Wall Seismic Joint
Construction Specialties (NZ) Ltd
Exterior wall seismic joint for 100mm gap
Seismic Guys AF Series
Seismic Guys Limited
a recessed Floor to floor Thermal Expansion Joint Cover
Seismic Guys IA Series
Seismic Guys Limited
a Seismic protection seal for a wide range of sizes, continous for above/below ground.
MM Systems Corp. (EBS) Epoxy Bonded Seismic System
Unite Architectural Systems Limited
EBS is a high performance expansion joint system with a continuous Elastoprene® seal.
SikaSwell A
Sika (NZ) Ltd
Rectangular waterstop. Swells in contact with water to to seal joints and penetrations in concrete
Construction Specialties NZ SSR & SSRW-800 Floor Seismic Joint
Construction Specialties (NZ) Ltd
Floor seismic joint for 203mm gap
Wabo® SeismicPan
Building and Span Expansion Joints (NZ)
Floor Seismic Expansion Control System
Construction Specialties NZ SGR & SGRW-1000 Floor Seismic Joint
Construction Specialties (NZ) Ltd
Floor seismic joint for 254mm gap
Sika EMSEAL RoofJoint
Sika (NZ) Ltd
Extruded rubber flexible moulding for integrated seismic joints on Sika membrane roofs.
Construction Specialties NZ LAF & LAFC-1600 Seismic Wall & Ceiling Joint
Construction Specialties (NZ) Ltd
Seismic wall and ceiling joint for 406mm gap
Sika Emshield DFR2
Sika (NZ) Ltd
2 hour fire-rated, watertight, traffic durable expansion joint system for floors and decks
Construction Specialties NZ SRJ & SRJW-1600 Seismic Roof Joint
Construction Specialties (NZ) Ltd
Seismic roof joint for 406mm gap
Construction Information Limited
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