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CBI » 3 Structure » 39 Miscellaneous Structure » 391 Composite structural systems
3911 Composite structure work (3)
Composite structural system; made-up of a number of integrated materials or items that form a single structural system, usually proprietary without a particularly dominant material. Supply (fabrication) and erection of the composite system for the whole or part of the building or as general structural support.
3912 Composite secondary structural work (0)
Secondary or minor structural elements and supports consisting of composite systems
masterspec partner
Perry Grating FRP (Fibre Reinforced Polymer) Grating
Perry Grating
Applications: Isopthalic Polyester, Vinyl Ester, in Grit top on Concave finish
Superform ICF Insulated Concrete Formwork Polystyrene hollow interlocking blocks
Superform Building Systems Ltd
Modules join to form hollow interlocking blocks
masterspec partner
Safety Grating Heelguard, Heel n Wheel
Perry Grating
Perry Grating offers pedestrian safe Grating options for public accessways-trolley heel & toe safe.
Construction Information Ltd Construction Information Limited
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