Glass Vice FinRail Boundary Fencing
Product Technical Statement: 112589
a Contemporary batten style fencing, standard panels coming in various pre made heights and lengths.
Level of assurance needed to demonstrate NZ Building Code Compliance
Supporting documentation should include technical information by manufacturer and either an independent assessment or reference to an industry-based scheme
Glass Vice
confirms that this minimum level of assurance has been met or exceeded by the following:
CodeMark n/a BRANZ Appraisal n/a, n/a Aireys Consultants n/a - n/a
Technical Statement
Scope of use
Finrail is a Vertical aluminum Fin system that comes in standard panel sizes which makes it more affordable due to less labor.
The System is available in 4 different sizes with default colour being satin black.
1000,1200,1500,1800 high with gates available in the sizes to suit.
The system is suitable for Balustrades in the 1000,1200.
Pool fencing is possible in all 4 sizes. The 1800 being ideal for sections coming off the boundary fence where council code requires 1800 High for 1200mm.
The system provides great privacy on the angle.
New Zealand Building Code (NZBC)
The product will, if employed in accordance with the supplier's installation and maintenance requirements, assist with meeting the following provisions of the building code:
- Clause B1 Structure: Performance B1.3.3(b), B1.3.3(c), B1.3.3(d), B1.3.3(e), B1.3.3(f), B1.3.3(h), B1.3.4(a), B1.3.4(b)
- Clause B2 Durability: Performance B2.3.1, B2.3.1(a), B2.3.1(b), B2.3.1(c), B2.3.2, B2.3.2(a), B2.3.2(b)
- Clause F2 Hazardous building materials: Performance F2.3.3(b)
- Clause F4 Safety from falling: Performance F4.3.1, F4.3.2, F4.3.3, F4.3.4, F4.3.4(a), F4.3.4(b), F4.3.4(c), F4.3.4(d), F4.3.4(e), F4.3.4(f), F4.3.4(g), F4.3.4(h), F4.3.5, F4.3.5(a), F4.3.5(b)
The product meets the requirements set out in the following documents, or relevant parts of cited standards within the documents:
Glass VIce porvides a producer statement (PS1) to the specifier and will provide a PS3 after the isntall.
All products are backed by an IPNZ engineer with relevant testing data available on request.
Supporting evidence
The product has and can make available the following additional evidence to support the above statements:
Use in Service History
Glass VIce porvides a producer statement (PS1) to the specifier and will provide a PS3 after the isntall.All products are backed by an IPNZ engineer with relevant testing data available on request.
Product Criteria
Design requirements
To be installed as per design guidelines. Following proper fixing detail as per the manufacturers specification.
Installation requirements
As per the installation manual, installed by a professional to guidelines and code.
Maintenance requirements
refer to the PDF related to maintenance. Owner should follow the steps and maintain the product accordingly.
Manufacturers Warranty provided with the PS3, product must be installed properly
Quality Assurance
ISO 9001 (Quality Management) |
Date last validated:
09 March 2023 |
Date last updated:
09 March 2023 |
The Product Technical Statement (PTS) template is copyright to Construction Information Limited. However the content of this PTS is the responsibility of the product manufacturer/supplier.
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