Ravenscroft supplies a wide range of energy efficient Halton chilled beams renowned for their exceptional comfort. Halton's range of products include active and passive chilled beams as well as multiservice beams. Halton chilled beams are designed to provide flexibility, competitive life cycle costs and advanced comfort.
Halton chilled beams supplied by Ravenscroft can be customised to clients wishes, which include providing them in custom colours with minimal extra costs. Halton beams can also be integrated behind architectural features like bulkheads. Traditional chilled beam installations include ventilation, cooling and heating next to the equipment for other ceiling based services. The customised multiservice chilled beam (MSCB) concept offers a all-in-one solution for all ceiling-mounted services and include air conditioning, lighting, electrical and data communications cabling and speakers. MSCB can also be fitted with energy efficient LED lightning.