Product Description
PSS 20 is a reversible protection system against graffiti and bill sticking marks, and airborne contamination for facades and walls, indoors and outdoors. PSS 20 comprises vegetable polysaccharides and water and has a high viscosity. The components of PSS 20 carry the E-numbers used in the foodstuffs industry and accordingly is harmless to man, animal life and the environment.
It is sprayed on to the wall in one or more coats with an airless appliance, where on drying it forms a gossamer-thin protective film, normally invisible to the naked eye and creates a fully breathing type coating. PSS 20 Clear is the clear version of PSS 20 and is used on high gloss substrates to prevent clouding effects.
PSS 20 can be applied to all wettable substrates. In principle PSS 20 is only to be used on vertical surfaces. It is suitable for all kinds of natural and artificial stone facades, clinker, concrete, brick, metallic and aluminium facades.
BPIR information can be found in the TDS linked below.
Technical Data Sheet