Technical Statement
Product Description
Reflecting the very latest in international trends, the Laminex® Colour Palette features over 140 contemporary high pressure laminate decors including solid colours, patterns, stone looks and woodgrains.
Now you can effortlessly achieve exactly the look and feel you want. The Laminex® HPL range features design-leading decors across multiple interior solutions such as Squareform™, DiamondGloss® and Innovations®. The Laminex® Colour Palette is the perfect way to give interiors a distinctly modern edge and is sure to inspire your space.
All Laminex® HPL products come with a seven-year limited warranty, ensuring beautiful practical surfaces for many years to come.
Scope of use
Laminex HPL is suitable for most interior horizontal or vertical surfaces, including counters, bench and table tops, store fixtures, office furniture, vanity units, display work, reception areas, wall paneling, toilet partitions, and door and drawer fronts. Selected decors available with antimicrobial properties.
New Zealand Building Code (NZBC)
The product will, if employed in accordance with the supplier's installation and maintenance requirements, assist with meeting the following provisions of the building code:
- Clause B2 Durability: Performance B2.3.1(c)
- Clause C3 Fire affecting areas beyond the fire source: Performance C3.4(a)
- Clause E3 Internal moisture: Performance E3.3.4
- Clause F2 Hazardous building materials: Performance F2.3.1
The product meets the requirements set out in the following documents, or relevant parts of cited standards within the documents:
Fire Group Classification: The Group Number Classification below was generated from tests carried out and data recorded in accordance with the test procedure described in ISO 5660 2002 – Reaction to Fire test – Part 1: Heat Release & Part 2: Smoke Production Rate, for the purposes of determination of the Group Classification in accordance with the New Zealand Building Code Verification Method C/VM2 Appendix A
Laminex High Pressure Laminate bonded to Lakepine MDF substrate: Group Number Classification 3
Branz Fire Test Report FH5188
Supporting evidence
The product has and can make available the following additional evidence to support the above statements:
Product Criteria
Design requirements
Laminex HPL is suitable for most horizontal or vertical surfaces, including counters, bench and table tops, store fixtures, office furniture, vanity units, display work, reception areas, wall panelling, toilet partitions, and door and drawer fronts. Formica HPL should be bonded to a suitable substrate such as standard or moisture resistant particleboard, standard or moisture resistant medium density fibreboard (MDF) or marine grade plywood.
Installation requirements
Please refer to your Fabricator or Joiner for specific requirements for your project.
Laminex New Zealand has established GREENfirst® to encompass numerous programmes of environmental management. This reflects our belief that action must follow good intentions and ambitious goals. We are taking action to:
- reduce energy use throughout the life of our products through finding and implementing economical energy-efficient solutions for our businesses;
- ensure active water stewardship;
- reduce carbon emissions by optimising energy usage in the production of our products;
- work with suppliers to increase recycled and eco-friendly content in our raw materials, making mandatory the use of fibres from sustainable forests;
- ensure that our products and services meet or exceed requirements of ISO14001
- Eliminate or minimise waste from products, services and workplaces.
- Participation in clusters which provide education and advocacy in sustainability including New Zealand Green Building Council; Sustainable Business Network and EnviroSpec.
Member of New Zealand Green Building Council |