Technical Statement
Product Description
Strandfloor is a high-density reconstituted wood panel bonded with moisture resistant resin and wax, specifically formulated for use as residential and commercial interior floor platforms.
Strandfloor products comply with the sheet flooring requirements of the New Zealand Building Code. Panels are produced by pressing strands of wood together under heat and pressure.
Strandfloor types:
Strandfloor Tongue & Groove, Square Edge, StrandfloorH3.1 and StrandfloorH3.1 Square Edge.
Strandfloor is an all-purpose wood-based high-density flooring panel.
StrandfloorH3.1 is a premium flooring panel which has improved resin composition providing increased weathering performance for use in wet areas.
Sheet sizes:
Strandfloor T&G | StrandfloorH3.1 T&G - 3600mm (l) x 1200mm (w) x 20mm (t) - Weight 13.2kg/m2 - 60kg / sheet
Strandfloor Square Edge | StrandfloorH3.1 Square Edge- 3600 (l) x 1200 (w) x 20mm (t) - Weight 13.2kg/m2 - 60kg / sheet. (Made to order / MOQ terms and conditions apply).
Strandfloor T&G | StrandfloorH3.1 T&G - 2400mm (l) x 1200mm (w) x 20mm (t) - Weight 13.2kg/m2 - 40kg / sheet.
Strandfloor Square Edge | StrandfloorH3.1 Square Edge- 2400 (l) x 1200 (w) x 20mm (t) - Weight 13.2kg/m2 - 40kg / sheet. (Made to order / MOQ terms and conditions apply).
Scope of use
Strandfloor® has been appraised for use as a sheet flooring panel on suspended timber-framed floors that have been designed and constructed in accordance with NZS 3604.
Strandfloor® can also be used as an overlay on concrete slab-on-ground floors,suspended concrete floors and suspended timber floors.
Strandfloor® will support loads of up to 1.5 kPa in buildings built within the scope of NZS 3604 with a maximum floor joist spacing of 600 mm centres.
Strandfloor® will support loads up to 3 kPa for all other non-domestic flooring applications built within the scope of NZS 3604 with a maximum floor joist spacing of 600 mm centres. Point loads may reduce allowable floor joist spacing, please refer to the Floor Design section of the Technical Installation Manual.
New Zealand Building Code (NZBC)
The product will, if employed in accordance with the supplier's installation and maintenance requirements, assist with meeting the following provisions of the building code:
- Clause B1 Structure: Performance B1.3.1, B1.3.2, B1.3.3, B1.3.3(a), B1.3.3(b), B1.3.3(f), B1.3.3(h), B1.3.3(j), B1.3.4
NZBC B1 Structure - CodeMark Certificates BRANZ-CM-1003 & BRANZ-CM-1004 | BRANZ Appraisal # 676 & 677
AS/NZS 1860.1:2017 Particleboard Flooring - Specifications
AS/NZS 4266.1:2017 Reconstituted wood-based panels - Methods of testings
NZS 3604 Timber-framed buildings - Section 7
AS 1170 | NZS 3602
- Clause B2 Durability: Performance B2.3.1(a), B2.3.1(b)
NZBC B2 Durability - CodeMark Certificates BRANZ-CM-1003 & BRANZ-CM-1004 BRANZ Appraisal # 676 & 677
AS/NZS 1860.1:2017 Particleboard Flooring - Specifications
AS/NZS 4266.1:2017 Reconstituted wood-based panels - Methods of testings
NZS 3604 Timber- framed buildings
NZS 3602 Timber and wood-based products for use in building
AS 1170 Structural Design Actions
- Clause C3 Fire affecting areas beyond the fire source: Performance C3.4, C3.4(a), C3.4(b)
The required fire resistance rating for floors and surface
finish in NZBC Acceptable Solution C/AS1 shall be complied with. Strandfloor® has
a Critical Radiant Flux (CRF) value of 2.2 kW/M2.
C/AS2 - Appendix C – Table C2.1 - C/VM2 Appendix B - Table
B1 (≥12mm thick - ≥400kg/m3)
Strandfloor has a Group Classification Number 3 (refer BRANZ Fire test report FH5119)
- Clause F2 Hazardous building materials: Performance F2.3.1
NZBC F2 Hazardous building materials - CodeMark Certificates BRANZ-CM-1003 & BRANZ-CM-1004 BRANZ Appraisal # 676 & 677
Laminex Strandfloor SDS | Laminex Strandfloor Declare Label | Laminex Strandfloor Formaldehyde Emissions Certificate | Laminex Strandfloor VOC certificate
The product meets the requirements set out in the following documents, or relevant parts of cited standards within the documents:
AS/NZS 1860.1:2017 Particleboard Flooring - Specifications
AS/NZS 4266.1:2017 Reconstituted wood-based panels - Methods of testing
NZS 3604 | AS 1170 | NZS 3602
CodeMark Certificate BRANZ-CM-1003 | BRANZ Appraisal # 676
CodeMark Certificate BRANZ-CM-1004 | BRANZ Appraisal # 677
Supporting evidence
The product has and can make available the following additional evidence to support the above statements:
Product Criteria
Design requirements
Strandfloor products are suitable for use as a sheet flooring panel on suspended timber framed floors, in domestic housing and other buildings, which are built within the scope of NZS 3604 Paragraph 1.1.2 and constructed in accordance with Section 7 of that document. (non-specific design).
Strandfloor® will support loads of up to 1.5 kPa in buildings built within the scope of NZS 3604 with a max. floor joist spacing of 600 mm centres.
Strandfloor® will support loads up to 3 kPa for all other non-domestic flooring applications built within the scope of NZS 3604 with a max. floor joist spacing of 600mm centres.
Strandfloor can be used for all of the following applications:
- As pre-laid or post-laid flooring over timber and engineered joists, such as I Beams, Posi-STRUT, and steel joists, in single or double layer applications
- As an overlay to concrete or wooden floors.ˏAs floor diaphragms for wind and earthquake loads
Strandfloor exposure time: 8 weeks | StrandfloorH3.1: 12 weeks
Installation requirements
Please refer to the Strandfloor Technical Installation Manual for full details regarding installation.
Maximum joist centres of 600mm
Fixing centres - sheet perimeter 150mm - intermediate area -
Stagger sheets (refer NZS3604 Section 7)
Minimum edge distance: Square Edge: 10mm | Tongue &
Groove edge: 15mm
Minimum ground clearance: 550mm to underside of panel
Subfloor ventilation:
Ventilation: Opening requirement at a rate no less
than 3500mm2 or every M2 of floor area.
Ongoing moisture content should not exceed 15%
Subfloor framing moisture content shall not exceed 18%
Maintenance requirements
Please refer to the Technical Installation Manual for information regarding care & maintenance.
The following conditions shall be met; otherwise, the
durability of Strandfloor® will be compromised. Strandfloor® shall not be exposed to weathering for more than
eight weeks. StrandfloorH3.1 shall not be exposed to weathering for more than 12 weeks.
Panel properties may be affected by moisture saturation and/or
exposure to sub-zero temperatures.
During the exposed period, do not allow
water to pond on the surface. Remove water by sweeping and forming small holes
adjacent to plate lines.
Do not directly cover panels with sheeting or apply
liquid sealers to any surface. Panels should weather in their raw condition to
allow release of absorbed moisture.
Panels shall be stored and handled so as to minimise surface
and edge damage. Wherever possible panels shall be stored inside under cover.
Outside storage shall be for short periods only. Panels shall not be stacked on
wet concrete floors.
Subject to the conditions and limitations set out in
the Strandfloor® warranty, when stored, handled, installed and maintained
in accordance with the Strandfloor® Technical Information, CodeMark Certificates and BRANZ Appraisals that are current at the time of installation, Strandfloor® will meet the
following provisions of the New Zealand Building Code:• Clause B1 STRUCTURE:
Performance B1.3.1, B1.3.2 and B1.3.4 for loads arising from self-weight,
imposed gravity loads arising from use, earthquake, wind and impact [i.e. B1.3.3
(a), (b), (f),(h), and (j)].•
Clause B2 DURABILITY: Performance B2.3.1 (a) not less than
50years, and B2.3.1 (b) 15 years.
Clause F2 HAZARDOUS BUILDING MATERIALS: Performance F2.3.1. Strandfloor® meets the criteria specified in NZS 3602 - Table
1C.3- Note 7. NZS 3602, being an Acceptable Solution to meet the requirement of
the New Zealand Building Code – Clause B2 Durability.
Refer to the ® Warranty for full Terms
and conditions details.
Strandfloor® is declared as Red List Free in the Declare Products
Database. This is a globally recognised nutrition label for the building
products industry, formed as part of the Living Building Challenge. Red
List Free products have all ingredients disclosed in the Declare
database and none of those ingredients appear on the Living Building
Challenge Red List.
New Zealand Made |
Building Product Information Requirements
Legal Trading Name:
Juken New Zealand
Business Email:
Contact Number/s:
+64 09 3733933
Legal Trading Name:
Laminex New Zealand
Business Email:
Contact Number/s:
09 5714444
0800 303606
Product Identifier
This product has no warnings associated with it.