Technical Statement
Product Description
MELTECA® DECORATED BOARD on Lakepine MDF is a versatile pre-decorated MDF panel with a durable melamine surface on both sides. Melteca is the right choice for cupboards, drawers, shelving, furniture and vertical applications. Each colour in the range has matching PVC or ABS edging. It is available in a naturale, pearl, stipple or Puregrain finish with select colours also available in Hi-Gloss. See the Melteca availability guide at for finish options.
Scope of use
Melteca decorated board is intended for use in kitchen cabinetry, cupboards,drawers, shelving and furniture in the home. It can also be used for wall linings, furniture, shop fittings and other vertical surfaces in a commercial environment.
Melteca Fire Retardant is suitable for all wall linings where maximum fire resistance is important.
New Zealand Building Code (NZBC)
The product will, if employed in accordance with the supplier's installation and maintenance requirements, assist with meeting the following provisions of the building code:
- Clause B2 Durability: Performance B2.3.1
- Clause C3 Fire affecting areas beyond the fire source: Performance C3.4
- Clause F2 Hazardous building materials: Performance F2.3.1
The product meets the requirements set out in the following documents, or relevant parts of cited standards within the documents:
When stored, handled, used and maintained in accordance with the Melteca Technical Data Sheet, Melteca will meet the durability requirements of NZBC B2.3.1(c) for 5 years.
Melteca complies with the requirements of AS/NZS 1859.3 2005.
Fire Performance
The Group Number Classifications below were generated from tests carried out and data recorded in accordance with the test procedure described in ISO 5660 2002 - Reaction-to-Fire - Part 1: Heat Release & Part 2: Smoke Production Rate, for the purposes of determination of the Group Classification in accordance with the New Zealand Building Code Verification Method C/VM2 Appendix A.
Melteca bonded to Lakepine Medium Density Fibreboard (MDF) substrate - Group Number Classification 3.
Melteca Fire Retardant Panels - Group Number Classification 1-S.
Please note: Indicative testing has indicated a change in substrate to Lakepine MRZero or Superfine particleboard (Standard or MR) will not alter the Group Number Classification.
Supporting evidence
The product has and can make available the following additional evidence to support the above statements:
Product Criteria
Design requirements
The high durabilty and easy clean nature of the melamine surface makes Melteca ideal for kitchen cabinetry, cupboards, drawers, shelving and furniture in the home. It can also be used for wall linings, furniture, shop fittings and other vertical surfaces in a commercial environment.
Installation requirements
Please refer to your fabricator or joiner for special requirements for your project.
Recognising the benefits that low emission products present in sustainable building projects, we offer Melteca MDF (decorated board) and raw MDF at the low formaldehyde E0 rating. Not only does this range of low emission products improve indoor air quality but the use of products can help accrue Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) points in the Green Star Materials Calculator.
All Melteca on MDF and Particleboard, as well as Whiteboard, raw MDF and raw Particleboard is independently certified by Environmental Choice NZ and meets the criteria for the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified timber set in the ECNZ Furniture and Fittings standard. Our products also have third party certification for ISO 14001 management systems.
Environmental Choice New Zealand |
New Zealand Made |