Technical Statement
Product Description
Solopanel™ is a continuous to-the-edge perforated acoustic ceiling system designed for a seamless monolithic aesthetic. Panels are manufactured from press punched perforated plasterboard with discrete machined UFF rebated edges 4 sides. Solopanel™ incorporates Cleaneo™ air purification technology for control of VOC’s.
Scope of use
Solopanel™ is an ideal perforated lining to control noise reverberation in office, meeting rooms, libraries, hotels, malls, halls, receptions, retail, civic buildings and galleries.
Panels are screw fixed to furring and butt joined with 3mm bevel edge exposed.
- Not for use with negative air return plenums.
- Not for use in external applications, wet areas, in direct contact with moisture or in extreme humidity conditions.
- Stock subject to prior sale, lead times may apply, consult Asona.
- To maintain acoustic performance do not spray paint.
- Maximum weight that can be directly integrated into the ceiling eg: lighting, A/C grill, speakers etc, shall not exceed 1.5kg.Greater weights shall be independently supported.
New Zealand Building Code (NZBC)
The product will, if employed in accordance with the supplier's installation and maintenance requirements, assist with meeting the following provisions of the building code:
- Clause B2 Durability: Performance B2.3.1(b)
B2 Durability – Clause B2.3.1 (b) (i): 15 years are moderately
difficult to access or replace.
Knauf Danoline Solopanel with only
normal maintenance will have a minimum durability of at least 15 years when
installed in accordance with; manufacturer’s installation requirements and
AS/NZS 2785:2020.
use history. No test methods available.
- Clause C3 Fire affecting areas beyond the fire source: Performance C3.4(a)
C/AS2 3.4(a):
Knauf Danoline Solopanel has a Fire Material Group Number 1-S (A2-s1) by MBIE
Building Performance Surface Finishes Standards Comparison 2938, 01 March 2015,
in accordance with EN 13501-1:2002.
The product meets the requirements set out in the following documents, or relevant parts of cited standards within the documents:
B2 Durability and C3 Early Reaction to Fire
Supporting evidence
The product has and can make available the following additional evidence to support the above statements:
Use in Service History
Auckland - ASB North Wharf, Auckland Zoo,
Christchurch - Blackwells vehicles,
Product Criteria
Design requirements
Solopanel™ a continuous edge to edge perforated plasterboard acoustic ceiling system designed for auditoriums, atriums and large public spaces. Panels are manufactured from press punched perforated plaster board with plastered joins. Panels are screw fixed to battens for a monolithic finish. Now incorporated with an air purification feature, Cleaneo Technology.
Solopanel™ is ideal for large volume areas where a seamless look is required, perfect for sculptural architectural interior ceilings. Available in four perforation options, to indent order only , please contact Asona.
Installation requirements
Shall not commence until the building is water tight and dry. Suspension using Rondo KEY-LOCK #127 TCR top cross rail at 900 mm centres, rigid hangers at 900mm centres, Rondo #155 48mm furring at 300mm centres with Rondo #159 Interchange Clip. (Note - direct fix clips to purlins are not permitted). Install sheets so they all face in the same direction, red marks on the back on one sheet to blue mark on the adjacent sheet. Screw fix panels with 32mm bugle head screws at 300mm c/c in field of panel and 200mm c/c at panel edges. Butt join panels and fill joins with Uniflott and finish compound. Expansion joints at 12m maximum. Paint with fine nap roller. Do not spray paint as this will reduce acoustic performance.
Maintenance requirements
No specific maintenance for
B2 compliance. Clean with vacuum, soft brush or damp cloth once painted.
15 year warranty against
manufacturing defects.
Knauf Danoline™ perforated plasterboard. Gypsum is non mineral fibre based acoustic ceiling solution for a healthy comfortable indoor environment. A natural product that offers a large number of advantages when used as a building material. Gypsum is easily machined, non combustible and contains no hazardous substances, and the manufacture of gypsum boards has only minimal impact on the environment. The residual waste from production can be recycled to produce new boards. Plasterboard panels are relatively low embodied energy vs. other building materials (concrete, metal etc) & Knauf Danoline Plasterboard panels are made from a blend of natural gypsum & synthetic gypsum- obtained from recycled post industrial material.Knauf Danoline perforated panels are clean and have low particle drop when installing, rated for clean air cert in EU. During fitting and processing no hazardous substances are released, and ready-painted Knauf Danoline gypsum products are easy to maintain. As well as being environmentally sound, gypsum is a durable material with a long lifetime.
Quality Assurance
ISO 9001 (Quality Management) |
Building Product Information Requirements
Legal Trading Name:
Knauf Danoline
Business Email:
Contact Number/s:
+64 09 575-6575
Legal Trading Name:
Asona Limited
Business Email:
Contact Number/s:
09 5256575
Product Identifier
G8/18 UFF: 1188 X 1998 X 12.5MM—STOCK ITEM*
G12/25 UFF: 1200 X 2000 X 12.5MM—INDENT ONLY
G15/30 UFF: 1200 X 1980 X 12.5MM—INDENT ONLY
G12/20/66 UFF: 1188 X 1980 X 12.5MM—INDENT ONLY
This product has no warnings associated with it.