Technical Statement
Scope of use
The Accrete Two Stage Series 2 Channel and Grate system has been designed to solve all level threshold situations where the end user requires a step free transition from the outdoors to inside.
The Stainless Steel channel is custom made with inbuilt fall running to either the inline sumps or dropper outlets to eliminate the need to either box out channel or screed the fall on site.
The Specifically design lock in cross braces not only keep the channel in shape during installation, but also create a patented lock in system for the grates to stop any movement in them.
Once the channel is installed the grates are custom made with a variety of slot pattern options at the desired width to allow for the required 12mm grate to cladding/joinery gap.
The Accrete two stage channel and grate systems all provide a nice straight outside channel edge to finish up against with tiles, pavers or exposed aggregate concrete with the grate widths changing to allow for different cladding types and joinery situations.
At Accrete Design we custom make all our products and although our Two Stage systems are made to Class A load rating we can certainly increase this after some consultation to establish your requirements.
New Zealand Building Code (NZBC)
The product will, if employed in accordance with the supplier's installation and maintenance requirements, assist with meeting the following provisions of the building code:
- Clause E1 Surface water: Performance E1.3.1, E1.3.2, E1.3.3, E1.3.3(a), E1.3.3(b), E1.3.3(c), E1.3.3(d), E1.3.3(e), E1.3.3(f)
- Clause E2 External moisture: Performance E2.3.1, E2.3.2, E2.3.3, E2.3.4, E2.3.5, E2.3.6, E2.3.7, E2.3.7(a), E2.3.7(b), E2.3.7(c)
The product meets the requirements set out in the following documents, or relevant parts of cited standards within the documents:
NZBC E1/AS1 Surface
NZBC E2/AS1 External
3500.3 Plumbing and drainage –
stormwater drainage
Supporting evidence
The product has and can make available the following additional evidence to support the above statements:
E2 |
Use in Service History
The product has been used extensively through out New Zealand on many new school builds, Retirement Villages and private residences.
Installations of note would be the Christchurch Central Library, and Christchurch Town Hall to name only a couple.
Product Criteria
Design requirements
The Accrete Two Stage series channel and grate system has been designed to meet the NZBC E2 7.3.2 Level threshold for ground level. figure 17B
Installation requirements
When installing the Accrete Two Staged system, simply set the channel against the foundation with the top edge of the channel sitting at the external FFL. The channel has the fall built in, so simply bolt together the custom made sections of channel follow as easy to follow numbered layout drawings.
Corner units, inline sumps/outlets are all made for you in our factory so there is no need to cut the channel to length, we've already made it to the supplied foundation measurements.
Maintenance requirements
With the Accrete Design patented channel cross supports the grate is held tightly in place but yet is easily removable to allow the channel to be cleared of any debris and cleaned out.
New Zealand Made |