Technical Statement
Product Description
Frameless Glass balustrade options by Glass Vice® are the ideal design solution to enhance architecture and lifestyle. Frameless Glass balustrade options available for decks, balconies, patios, staircases, steps, garden or retaining walls and even just as a glass wall or glass partition for a windbreak or a glass enclosure.
The Architectural bracket is side mounted. It can be fixed to timber, concrete or steel. All PS1 documentation available for councils. Meets B1 B2 F2 F4 standards.
Can be used for Residential and Commercial balustrades. Suitable for 12mm and 15mm toughened safety glass.
Scope of use
The Architectural system is suitable for use on a range of options, Pool Fencing, Balustrades including the ability for a sleek design on stairwells.
The system is compatible with 12 and 15mm Toughened safety glass and can be fitted with SentryGlas toughened laminated safety glass if required.
Glass vice Balustrade system meets Building Code requirements B1,B2
F2 and F4. Also compliant with
NZS 4223.3.2016.
Pool Fencing:
Glass Vice® Pool Fencing system uses 2 metre sheets of 12mm Toughened safety glass with 2 Glass Vice® clamps.Glass Vice® pool fencing solutions comply with all Council and building code requirements.
Glass Vice Direct Fix brackets can be used for pool fencing and balustrades which means when the pool area is over a metre drop the Glass Vice Clamps comply with the balustrade regulations as well as the pool fencing regulations.
New Zealand Building Code (NZBC)
The product will, if employed in accordance with the supplier's installation and maintenance requirements, assist with meeting the following provisions of the building code:
- Clause B1 Structure: Performance B1.3.4
- Clause B2 Durability: Performance B2.3.1(c), B2.3.2(b)
- Clause F2 Hazardous building materials: Performance F2.3.3, F2.3.3(a), F2.3.3(b)
- Clause F4 Safety from falling: Performance F4.3.1, F4.3.4, F4.3.4(b), F4.3.4(c), F4.3.4(e), F4.3.4(f), F4.3.5, F4.3.5(a), F4.3.5(b)
Meets B1 B2 F2 F4 standards.
The product meets the requirements set out in the following documents, or relevant parts of cited standards within the documents:
Supporting evidence
The product has and can make available the following additional evidence to support the above statements:
Use in Service History
All Glass Vice® glass systems have been tested in New Zealand by New Zealand structural engineers - PS1 Design issued for consent on application.
Access our website for technical moments of capacity data. data.
Product Criteria
Design requirements
To be designed as per Glass Vice technical specifications in accordance with PS1 and fixing substrates/Wind zones.
Installation requirements
Installation manual available upon request and differs pending on the fixing detail.
Maintenance requirements
please contact us through the website for advice on maintenance.
Refer to care & Maintenance sheets provided.
Glass Vice Products limited Guarantees that the material components of the Glass Vice clamps are 316 marine grade stainless steel.
The approved install must provide a PS3 for their workmanship in conjunction with the product warranty
Glass vice products will not accept responsibility for damage of any kind due to defective building structure, mechanical or physical abuse or any other abnormal cause.
Quality Assurance
ISO 9001 (Quality Management) |