Safe-R Trufill Insulation
Product Technical Statement: 113678
The Trufill Insulation System provides high performance insulation solutions for newly built homes
Level of assurance needed to demonstrate NZ Building Code Compliance
Supporting documentation should include self-assessment and technical information by manufacturer
confirms that this minimum level of assurance has been met or exceeded by the following:
CodeMark CMNZ30144
Technical Statement
Product Description
Trufill is a high performance insulation system designed for new builds. The Trufill system can be installed into walls, roofs and floors and is suitable for most New Zealand home builds.
Scope of use
Made from non-combustible Glasswool, Trufill® blown insulation is designed for timber frame walls, floors, skillion roofs and ceilings. The system is designed to provide high performance insulation for new build homes, completely filling the roof and ceiling cavities to create a complete thermal barrier for your home.
New Zealand Building Code (NZBC)
The product will, if employed in accordance with the supplier's installation and maintenance requirements, assist with meeting the following provisions of the building code:
- Clause B2 Durability: Performance B2.3.1(a), B2.3.2
B2 DURABILITY: Verification Method B2/VM1 and B2/AS1 for not less than
50 years
01, 02, 03, 04 - Clause C3 Fire affecting areas beyond the fire source: Performance C3.7(a)
C3 PROTECTION FROM FIRE Alternate solution 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09 - Clause E3 Internal moisture: Performance E3.3.1
E3 INTERNAL MOISTURE: Verification Method E3/VM1 01, 02, 10, 11 - Clause F2 Hazardous building materials: Performance F2.3.1
F2 HAZARDOUS BUILDING MATERIALS: Alternate solution 04, 12 - Clause H1 Energy efficiency : Performance H1.3.1
H1 ENERGY EFFICIENCY: Acceptable Solutions H1/AS1 and H1/AS2 01, 02, 10, 11
Trufill Insulation System is a loose-fill blow-in non-bonded granulated glasswool mineral fibre insulation system. It is blown on-site into building
cavity spaces to a nominal density of between 12 kg/m3 and 32 kg/m3. When blown in cavities, the insulation is retained by a transparent Blown
Insulation Barrier (BIB), over which the internal lining of the building is installed.
The product meets the requirements set out in the following documents, or relevant parts of cited standards within the documents:
Trufill Insulation System if designed, used, installed and maintained in accordance with the conditions of this Certificate will comply with or
contribute to compliance with the following performance provisions of the NZ Building Code:
Supporting evidence
The product has and can make available the following additional evidence to support the above statements:
Product Criteria
Design requirements
Trufill® provides excellent thermal performance due to a low thermal conductivity and a complete and consistent installation. Trufill® provides a choice of R-Values based on the installed thickness and installed weight per square metre. The stated thermal resistance (R-Value) is provided by installing the required density at the thickness (per the manufacturer’s instructions). Failure to install less than the required density and thickness will result in lower insulation R-Values.
Installation requirements
Refer to Trufill specialist for design advice
Maintenance requirements
As per CodeMark
As per CodeMark
EPD can be supplied
Building Product Information Requirements
Legal Trading Name:
Safe-R Insulation (NZ) Limited
Contact Number/s:
+64 21 375870 0800 267992
Legal Trading Name:
Safe-R Insulation (NZ) Ltd
Business Email:
Contact Number/s:
0800 267992
Product Identifier
This product has no warnings associated with it.
Date last validated:
03 May 2024 |
Date last updated:
03 May 2024 |
The Product Technical Statement (PTS) template is copyright to Construction Information Limited. However the content of this PTS is the responsibility of the product manufacturer/supplier.
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