Technical Statement
Product Description
Pink® Batts® third generation, is a competitively priced lightweight, flexible glass wool insulation product designed to:
- Thermally insulate timber and steel framed walls
- Fit easily in standard wall constructions, or be easily cut to fit in non standard constructions
Several improvements were achieved with Pink® Batts® third generation
- Ultra-low formaldehyde binder; helping to gain international
certifications for Indoor Air Quality: M1 and GreenGuard Indoor Air
Quality Certified
- Additives to reduce dust; making it easier to handle.
- No slump; products became more rigid due to the change in the binder.
Pink® Batts® third generation insulation product range has been
extended to fit with specific requirements of the New Zealand Building
- Steel framed walls
- Narrow walls; cut for 400 mm centers
- 140mm walls; for use in 140mm framing and also provides high R-values up to R4.0
Scope of use
Pink® Batts® insulation is suitable for use as thermal insulation in walls and ceilings where:
- Installed and maintained in a dry protected environment
- Installed in a building where the provisions of NZBC E2 and E3 are met
- Installed to the requirements of NZS 4246:2006: Energy Efficiency-Installing Insulation in Residential Buildings
Pink® Batts® wall insulation should NOT be crushed or folded.
New Zealand Building Code (NZBC)
The product will, if employed in accordance with the supplier's installation and maintenance requirements, assist with meeting the following provisions of the building code:
- Clause B2 Durability: Performance B2.3.1(a)
- Clause E3 Internal moisture: Performance E3.3.1
- Clause F2 Hazardous building materials: Performance F2.3.1
- Clause H1 Energy efficiency : Performance H1.3.1, H1.3.2E
The product meets the requirements set out in the following documents, or relevant parts of cited standards within the documents:
Test Result
NZ/AS 1530.1:1994
Group Number 1S
NZ/AS 1530.3:1993
Ignitability (Range 0-20)
= 0
Spread of Flame Index (Range 0-10)
= 0
Heat Evolved Index (Range 0-10)
= 0
Smoke Developed Index (Range 0-10)
= 0-1
Various *
AS/NZS 4589.1:2002
AS/NZS 4859.1: 2002 – Glass wool exempt
Moisture Absorption
AS/NZS 4859.1: 2002 – Glass wool exempt
Vermin Resistance
No Food Source
AS/NZS 4859.1: 2002 – Glass wool exempt
Supporting evidence
The product has and can make available the following additional evidence to support the above statements:
BRANZ Appraisal
238 |
Product Criteria
Design requirements
Pink® Batts® Insulation is intended to be friction-fitted between wall, ceiling or roof framing
Installation requirements
Correct installation with no compression, gaps or folds is critical to ensure wall insulation performance is not compromised.
Please refer to the Pink® Batts® wall installation instruction sheet
We can recommend PinkFit® professional installers throughout New Zealand who guarantee that their completed installation will meet the requirements of NZS 4246:2006
Visit or call 0800 PINK BATTS (746 522) to locate an installer in your region.
Maintenance requirements
Pink® Batts® insulation must be protected from damage and weather. Store under cover in clean dry conditions. The installed product must remain dry at all times. If the product has become wet or damp, the source of the dampness (e.g leak in plumbing) must be repaired immediately and insulation replaced with the new product of an equivalent R-value.
Pink® Batts® insulation is a sustainable and energy efficient product.
- Manufactured using over 80% recycled glass, making sustainable use of waste
- Manufactured in Auckland, minimising shipping distances compared to imported products
Potential Green Star NZ Credits
Green Star NZ is a comprehensive environmental rating system for buildings. Pink® Batts® insulation may contribute to points under Green Star. Further information is available at
Environmental Choice
Higher R-value Pink® Batts® Wall insulation products have Environmental Choice New Zealand Accreditation (refer to product specification)
Independently assessed for:
- Waste Minimisation
- Energy Management
- Manufacturing Process
- Product Characteristics
Indoor Air Quality
Pink® Batts® insulation is certified by North American GREENGUARD Indoor Air Quality Certified®. Being certified for indoor air quality gives an assurance that products meet strict chemical emissions limits (including minimal levels of VOCs and Formaldehyde), to help create healthier indoor environments
Quality Assurance
ISO 9001 (Quality Management) |
Environmental Choice New Zealand |
New Zealand Made |