Allco - Hydrotech MM6125
Product Technical Statement: 111026
A self-healing monolithic membrane made from a formulation of refined asphalts and synthetic rubber
Level of assurance needed to demonstrate NZ Building Code Compliance
Supporting documentation should include technical information by manufacturer and either a BRANZ or independent Appraisal or CodeMark
confirms that this minimum level of assurance has been met or exceeded by the following:
CodeMark CM30102
Technical Statement
Scope of use
1. The system has been assessed as a waterproofing membrane solution for use in cold roof and deck assemblies, and Protected membrane roof and deck (PMR) assemblies.
2. The system must always be protected as follows:
- a) On PMR assembly: one of the following overlays must be installed over the insulation layer. i. Pavers or floating timber deck on pedestals ii. Ballast (graded stones) iii. Green roof iv. Concrete topping slab
- b) On a trafficable cold roof/deck assembly: one of the overlays described in 2(a) must be used:
- c) On a non-trafficable cold roof/deck assembly or where only maintenance related traffic is expected: the membrane must be protected with a layer of Hydroflex 30 or Casali Olympia.
3. The system will resist the effects of wind uplift likely to occur in practice. The effect of wind on the overlays described in 2(a) falls outside the scope of this certificate.
4. The system may be used on buildings within the following scope:
- a) On new buildings or existing buildings in all exposure zones, excluding microclimates, as defined by NZS3604: 2011.
- b) On reinforced concrete substrates with any pitch including zero pitch defined as less than 1:100/0.5 degrees, gutter fall must be maintained at a minimum of 1:100/0.5 degrees.
New Zealand Building Code (NZBC)
The product will, if employed in accordance with the supplier's installation and maintenance requirements, assist with meeting the following provisions of the building code:
- Clause B1 Structure: Performance B1.3.1, B1.3.2, B1.3.3
- Clause B2 Durability: Performance B2.3.1, B2.3.1(a), B2.3.2, B2.3.2(b)
- Clause E2 External moisture: Performance E2.3.1, E2.3.2, E2.3.7(b), E2.3.7(c)
- Clause F2 Hazardous building materials: Performance F2.3.1
Supporting evidence
The product has and can make available the following additional evidence to support the above statements:
Product Criteria
Design requirements
An Allco Design Declaration, signed by the designer, that the conditions of this certificate relevant to the design phase have been met must be submitted with the Building Consent application
Installation requirements
On reinforced concrete substrates with any pitch including zero pitch defined as less than 1:100/0.5 degrees, gutter fall must be maintained at a minimum of 1:100/0.5 degrees.
MM6125® is formulated with inert filler made with up to 40% post-consumer recycled content such as recycled oil and tyres.
One component, 100% solids, no solventsmeans no on-site cure failures, no two-partmixing and no VOC restrictions.
Member of New Zealand Green Building Council |
Date last validated:
23 September 2020 |
Date last updated:
23 September 2020 |
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