Technical Statement
Product Description
Neuchâtel Permatec is a hybrid high-performance monolithic membrane, designed to provide exceptional longevity, ensuring it lasts for the entire lifetime of the building. Neuchâtel Permatec is a polymer modified bitumen applied over insulation board or a timber or concrete structural substrate in two layers with a nominal thickness of 6mm, and protection membrane to give a total thickness of up to 10mm.
Scope of use
Neuchâtel’s Permatec is a monolithic hot-melt designed for use as the waterproofing layer in new-build flat roofing (when covered by suitable protection), inverted roofs, green roofs and podium deck specifications. Permatec is melted on site in a purpose-built machine and applied in two coats to provide a tough, flexible, self-sealing membrane with built-in root inhibitor.
Ideal for demanding site conditions: Excellent low temperature flexibility and adhesion, Can be readily applied in low temperatures on a clean, dry, frost-free surface. Work can proceed during winter months, minimising lost construction time. Permatec is not affected by rain, snow or frost immediately after its application. Can be walked on immediately after installation of the system.
New Zealand Building Code (NZBC)
The product will, if employed in accordance with the supplier's installation and maintenance requirements, assist with meeting the following provisions of the building code:
- Clause B1 Structure: Performance B1.3.1, B1.3.2, B1.3.3, B1.3.3(b), B1.3.3(c), B1.3.3(d), B1.3.3(f), B1.3.3(h), B1.3.3(m), B1.3.3(n), B1.3.3(q), B1.3.4
B1 Structure – By analysis and comparison with the requirements of the performance requirements of Building Code performance clauses for B1 using BS/EN 13108-6:2006 Bituminous mixtures Material Specifications Part 6: Mastic Asphalt
- Clause B2 Durability: Performance B2.3.1(a), B2.3.1(b), B2.3.2, B2.3.2(a)
B2 Durability – By testing and comparison with Verification Method B2/VM1 using BS/EN 13108-6
- Clause C6 Structural stability: Performance C6.2
- Clause D1 Access routes: Performance D1.3.3(d)
- Clause E1 Surface water: Performance E1.3.1, E1.3.3(a), E1.3.3(b), E1.3.3(c), E1.3.3(d), E1.3.3(e), E1.3.3(f)
- Clause E2 External moisture: Performance E2.3.1, E2.3.2, E2.3.7
E2 External Moisture – By testing and comparison with the requirements of Acceptable Solution E2/AS1 using BS/EN 13108-6
- Clause F2 Hazardous building materials: Performance F2.3.1
F2 Hazardous material – By comparison with the performance requirements of Building Code clause F2.3.1.
Complies with the
Building Code of New Zealand:
If installed and maintained in accordance with the
conditions of this certificate, the Neuchâtel Permatec Waterproofing System will comply with;
B1 Structure – B1.3.1; B1.3.2; B1.3.3 (b, d, c, f, h, m, n, q); B1.3.4
B2 Durability – B2.3.1 (a); (when concealed*) or B2.3.1 (b) (not concealed); B2.3.2 *Concealed means when used as a substrate, or incorporated in a green, or inverted insulated roof
D1 Access Routes – D1.3.3 (d)
E2 External Moisture – E2.3.1 (contributes to), E2.3.2 (contributes to), E2.3.7
F2 Hazardous Building Materials – F2.3.1
The product meets the requirements set out in the following documents, or relevant parts of cited standards within the documents:
CodeMark CMNZ70010
Acceptable Solutions and Verification Methods for New Zealand Building Code Clause B2 Durability Second edition (Amendment 12), 28 November 2019 2. Acceptable Solutions and Verification Methods for New Zealand Building Code Clause F2 Hazardous building materials First edition (Amendment 3), 1 January 2017 3. Acceptable Solutions and Verification Methods for New Zealand Building Code Clause D1 Access Routes 2nd Edition (Amendment 6), 1 January 2017 4. Verification Methods E2/VM1 and Acceptable Solutions E2/AS1, E2/AS2 and E2/AS3 for New Zealand Building Code Clause E2 External Moisture Third edition (Amendment 10), 5 November 2020 5. BBA Agrément Certificate 03/4009 Product Sheet 1 Permatec EcoWrap Hot-Applied Monolithic Membrane Roofing System 6. BBA Agrément Certificate 03/4009 Product Sheet 3 Permatec EcoWrap Hot-Applied Monolithic Membrane Green Roof Waterproofing system 7. IKO PermaTEC Safety Data Sheet, v4 1st July 2016 8. IKO PermaTEC High Penetration Primer Safety Datasheet, v2 01.07.2015 9. Neuchâtel PermaTEC Design and Specification Guide 003 10. PermaTec System Installation Guidelines, Feb 2024 Rev1
Supporting evidence
The product has and can make available the following additional evidence to support the above statements:
Use in Service History
Neuchâtel’s Permatec is a monolithic hot-melt designed for use as the waterproofing layer in new-build flat roofing (when covered by suitable protection), inverted roofs, green roofs and podium deck specifications. Permatec is melted on site in a purpose-built machine and applied in two coats to provide a tough, flexible, self-sealing membrane with built-in root inhibitor.
The Neuchâtel Permatec Waterproofing System can withstand maintenance pedestrian traffic, provides a suitable substrate for external pavers, tiles or concrete for pedestrian traffic, and for pavers or tiles on paver supports, for use on terraces, balconies or podia. recent projects include:Victoria Lane Residences in Remuera, The Greenhouse in Ponsonby, Te Uru Apartments in Hobsonville Point, Resido BTR in Mt Wellington, Manaaki & OMC Apartments in Onehunga.
Product Criteria
Design requirements
The Neuchâtel Permatec Waterproofing System can withstand maintenance pedestrian traffic. Neuchâtel Permatec Waterproofing System provides a suitable substrate for external pavers, tiles or concrete for pedestrian traffic, and for pavers or tiles on paver supports, for use on terraces, balconies or podia.
Neuchâtel Permatec Waterproofing System may be used as part of a green roof system and may be used as part of an inverted insulated roof.
Installation requirements
The Neuchâtel Permatec Waterproofing System must be installed in accordance with the relevant installation guide: Neuchâtel Permatec Design and Specification Guide 003 or the PermaTEC System Installation Guideline Feb 2024 Rev1.
Timber substrate structures may be designed in accordance with NZS3604:2011 as a heavy roof. Concrete and other specifically designed substrates must be designed in accordance with verification method B1/VM1 (Amendment 15) using the structural design actions in AS/NZS1170.1:2002.
All plywood sheets must be CCA treated to H3.2. The plywood must be a minimum of 17mm thickness complying with AS/NZS2269.0:2012.
The substrate must be dry, with no sharp projections.
The membrane must be fully protected.
All work must be carried out by Neuchâtel Waterproofing Ltd approved applicators. (contact certificate holder for list of approved applicators).
Maintenance requirements
All maintenance surveys should be carried out yearly and in the Autumn.
• It is important to check that roof outlets are functioning and gratings are not blocked. Remove
debris from the roof but do not flush silt or dead leaves down outlets. In areas where taller
trees are adjacent to the roof, inspections may be required more frequently.
• Note the general condition of the waterproofing finishes and report any damaged areas
• Check waterproofing to roof light kerbs.
• Check roof light domes for signs of damage or deflection.
• Check perimeter details and up stands, ensuring that the metal capping, flashing's, edge trims
and mortar pointing to chase details are secure.
• Check flashings to expansion joints and that the all components are secure.
• Check the up stand flashings to plant support legs/up stands.
• Check the up stands and flashing's to pipe penetrations.
• Examine all mastic seals and repair/replace as necessary.
• Check walkways and around access
Neuchâtel Permatec is 100% recyclable with zero waste packaging and no expiry date.
As Neuchâtel Permatec has a longer life cycle than most products it is therefore more sustainable for the environment.
Quality Assurance
ISO 9001 (Quality Management) |