Technical Statement
Scope of use
The StoArmat Miral Render System has been appraised by BRANZ as a solid render
system for buildings within the following scope:
substrates of EPS / ICF / Polystyrene block up to 3 storeys, with a
maximum height from ground to eaves of 10 m; and,
- with
floor plan area limited only by seismic and structural control joints;
supporting structures designed and constructed in accordance with the
NZBC; and,
- situated
in NZS 3604 Wind Zones up to, and including Extra High.
The StoArmat Miral Render System has also been appraised for bond,
durability and weathertightness of the render system for EPS / ICF /
Polystyrene block buildings subject to specific design with no building height
or wind exposure restriction.
The StoArmat Miral Render System must only be applied on vertical
surfaces except for sills, concrete reinforced parapets and concrete reinforced
balustrades which must have a minimum 10° slope and be waterproofed in
accordance with the requirements of the Technical Literature and building
The StoArmat Miral Render System is appraised for use with aluminium
window and door joinery that is installed with vertical jambs and horizontal
heads and sills.
New Zealand Building Code (NZBC)
The product will, if employed in accordance with the supplier's installation and maintenance requirements, assist with meeting the following provisions of the building code:
- Clause B2 Durability: Performance B2.3.1(b), B2.3.1(c)
- Clause C3 Fire affecting areas beyond the fire source: Performance C3.7
- Clause E2 External moisture: Performance E2.3.2
- Clause F2 Hazardous building materials: Performance F2.3.1
The StoArmat Miral Render System meets the performance
requirements of NZBC Clause B2.3.1(b), 15 years for the renders, and the requirements
of Performance B2.3.1(c) 5 years for the paint finish.
The StoArmat Miral Render System will not present a
health hazard to people.
Supporting evidence
The product has and can make available the following additional evidence to support the above statements:
Product Criteria
Design requirements
The StoArmat Miral Render System is expected to have a serviceable life
of at least 30 years provided the system is maintained in accordance with the
Sto Specification, Warranty and BRANZ Appraisal, and the renders are
continuously protected by a weathertight coating and remain dry in service.
EPS / ICF / Polystyrene block construction must be specifically designed
in accordance with NZS 3101 and AS/NZS 1170 using the design guidelines.
The StoArmat Miral render and finishing system
has a peak heat release rate less than 100 kW/m2 and a total heat
released less than 25 MJ/m2. The system is suitable for use on
buildings with a SH Risk Group classification, at any distance to the relevant
boundary. Refer to NZBC Acceptable Solutions C/AS2 – C/AS6, Paragraph 5.8.1 for
the specific exterior surface finish requirements for other building Risk
For a full breakdown of the system components, Click Here.
Installation requirements
Installation and finishing of components and accessories supplied by
Stoanz Limited and the Sto registered contractor must be completed by trained
applicators, approved by Stoanz Limited.
Installation of the
accessories supplied by the building contractor must be carried out in
accordance with the StoLite Technical Literature and the BRANZ Appraisal by, or
under the supervision of a Licensed Building Practitioner (LBP) with the
relevant Licence Class.
Maintenance requirements
Regular maintenance is essential to ensure the performance requirements
of the NZBC are continually met and to ensure the maximum serviceability of the
system. Carry out an annual inspection and record this on the Sto
Construction Systems Maintenance schedule.
Regular cleaning
(at least annually) of the paint coating is required to remove grime, dirt and
organic growth and to maximise the life and appearance of the coating. Grime may
be removed by brushing with a soft brush, warm water and detergent. The
paint system must be recoated at approximately 8-10 yearly intervals in
accordance with Stoanz Limited instructions. Clear sealer systems require
recoating at 5-7 yearly intervals.
With an increasing emphasis on the implementation of servicing exterior
building elements, Sto has launched the StoArmat 20 Year Warranty and
StoService Assurance documentation. This system, administered by Sto and
carried out by Sto Contractors, ensures all specified StoArmat Rendered Systems
are registered, serviced and certified every two and a half years to provide
assurance that all building elements pertaining to the rendered facade are
Refer to the StoArmat Warranty Document by clicking here.
Protecting the natural basis for life and improving
quality of life are important aims in social policy. Sto actively
pursues these aims, always acting in accordance with the company's
guiding principle: "Building with conscience."
In order to define and implement its ecological targets, Sto has
developed a system of environmental management conforming to
international standards. This relates to the entire process chain – from
the procurement of the raw product, to production, packaging and
Quality Assurance
ISO 9001 (Quality Management) |