Technical Statement
Product Description
200mm Wide pans with 50mm vertical ribs fixed down with a concealed clip fixing, giving a clean look without visible fixings. Can be laid down to a 3 degrees roof pitch.
Available in unpainted or prepainted Zincalume steel and Aluminium.
Manufactured in Dimond Auckland, Hamilton, Palmerston North and Christchurch or run on site for large jobs over 3000m2
Scope of use
Long run metal roofing or cladding profile used on roof pitches down to 3 degrees and can be run on site for long roof lengths up to 100m long. Can be fixed onto purlins or vented cavity battens.
When used as cladding, can be either used on a cavity or non cavity.
Thermal expansion movement of the sheet is accommodated using a clip fixing system.
Suitable for use in wind pressures up to 2.0kPa. Above 2.0kPa and up to 5.0kPa we recommend wind clamps are fitted over the middle rib, over the clip.
large water carrying capacity of the profile pans ensures minimal risk of the profile flooding.
Available in either a steel, aluminium or copper substrate.
When using aluminium substrate Galvanised Steel nylon coated clips must be used to avoid dissimilar metal contact. Copper roofs must use Brass clips.
Manufactured in Auckland, Hamilton, Wellington and Christchurch and a mobile machine based in Hamilton which can be moved around NZ Sites as required.
New Zealand Building Code (NZBC)
The product will, if employed in accordance with the supplier's installation and maintenance requirements, assist with meeting the following provisions of the building code:
- Clause B1 Structure: Performance B1.3.3(b), B1.3.3(g), B1.3.3(h)
- Clause B2 Durability: Performance B2.3.1, B2.3.1(b)
- Clause E2 External moisture: Performance E2.3.1, E2.3.2, E2.3.3, E2.3.6
Supporting evidence
The product has and can make available the following additional evidence to support the above statements:
Use in Service History
For over 40 years use in NZ environmental conditions.
Product Criteria
Design requirements
Dimondek 400 is best suited for roofs where the roof pitch is above 3 degrees and a clean look with no visible fixings is important. A concealed Clip holds the roof profile down. Wide pans and vertical ribs give a tray look to a Dimondek 400 roof.
Dimondek 400 Load span graph should be checked to ensure the correct purlin centres are used.
Manufactured using different paint coatings available from NZS or PCC depending on the durability required for the environment the roof or wall will be installed in, in accordance with AS/NZS 2728. Aluminium based product is available for Dimondek 400.
- As a guide, sites within 50m of breaking surf plain Aluminium or Colorcote Alumiguard can be used,
- 100 m from surf (Category 4) ColorCote Magnaflow or CS Maxx or Endurra can be used,
- beyond 200m ( Category 3) then ColorCote Zincacore
- Further inland (400m to 500m away from the sea influence) unpainted Zincalume can be used.
For more information refer to
Installation requirements
Purlins alignment must be true and even within 5mm. and without bumps.
Clips are screw fixed down using wafer head screws onto purlins, then the roof is pushed onto the clip, before the next clip and sheet is fixed down.
Refer to for further information.
Wind clamps may be needed in areas were the wind pressures on the roof are above 2.0 kPa.
Maintenance requirements
All roofs require some maintenance over their life.
The painted surface must be regularly washed especially in areas not naturally rain washed. Regular washing could e up to very 3 months, with a mild water blasting or a soft bristled brush and plenty of clean fresh water. All debris and rubbish must be removed from the roof surface
Refer to for a full maintenance statement.
Provided the correct material and coating has been used for the environment warranties are
Commercial 15 years for paint chipping, flaking or peeling and 15years against the sheet perforating as a result of corrosion
Residential 15 years for the paint 20 to 30 years against perforation
Manufactured from coated steel produced by NZ Steel at Glenbrook from Ironsand mined off North island's West coast.Colorsteel is factory painted at NZ Steel, Glenbrook or if its Colorcote its painted at Pacific coil coaters Penrose. Both sites operate within strict environmental controls and recycle cleaning and washing water and control what is exhausted into the environment.Dimond recycle all steel scrap waste and offcuts which then are remelted into reinforcing bar.The used roofing profile can be recycled back by remelted into reinforcing bar.
New Zealand Made |
Member of New Zealand Green Building Council |