Technical Statement
Product Description
OWA Sinfonia™ is a 15 mm thick fleece covered mineral fibre acoustic ceiling panel with a simple, elegant appearance and excellent acoustic qualities. OWA Sinfonia™ offers a cost effective ceiling solution to the requirements of most interior application.
Scope of use
OWA Sinfonia with an attractive yet subtle appearance that can look good in conference rooms and auditoria as well as more functional areas like offices, shops, corridors and foyers, designed to provide NRC 0.85 and CAC 30.
This product is designed to be mounted into a two-way exposed
grid system and installed to manufacturer’s and AS/NZS 2785:2020 Standard’s
requirements. Seismic design may require a suitably qualified engineer. Hold
down clips may be required in areas of wind uplift, or seismic areas.
For interior use only, and not in direct contact with water.
Maximum humidity/temperature 99% R/H at 30°C.
Back loading max. 0.5kg/m², point loads to be independently
New Zealand Building Code (NZBC)
The product will, if employed in accordance with the supplier's installation and maintenance requirements, assist with meeting the following provisions of the building code:
- Clause B2 Durability: Performance B2.3.1(c)
B2 Durability – Clause B2.3.1 (c) (i):
OWA ceiling tiles
with only normal maintenance will have a minimum durability of at least 5 years
when installed in accordance with; manufacturer’s installation requirements and
AS/NZS 2785:2020.
In use history. No test
methods available.
- Clause C3 Fire affecting areas beyond the fire source: Performance C3.4(a)
C3 Fire – Clause C/AS2 3.4(a):
OWA ceiling tiles have a
Fire Material Group Number 1-S by NZBC verification method C/VM2 Appendix A,
tested in accordance with ISO 5660 or ISO 9705.
The product meets the requirements set out in the following documents, or relevant parts of cited standards within the documents:
B2 Durability and C3 Early Reaction to Fire
Supporting evidence
The product has and can make available the following additional evidence to support the above statements:
Use in Service History
Multiple installations
Product Criteria
Design requirements
Sinfonia offers a cost effective solution to the requirements of most interior applications. An attractive yet subtle appearance that can look good in conference rooms and auditoria as well as more functional areas like offices, shops, corridors and foyers. Sinfonia is designed to be mounted into a two-way exposed grid system.
Soiled or damaged panels can be resurfaced with new Sonatex laminates for reuse in the ceiling. Helps extend life cycle and reduce construction waste. Register on practical completion.
Installation requirements
Shall not commence until the building is watertight and dry. This product is designed to be mounted into a two-way exposed grid system and installed to manufacturer’s, AS/NZS 2785:2020 Standard and AWCINZ Code of
Practice requirements. Seismic design may require a suitably qualified engineer. Hold down clips may be required in areas of wind uplift, or seismic areas. Care shall be taken when handling tiles to avoid damage.
Maintenance requirements
Clean with vacuum, soft brush or damp cloth.
15 year limited warranty against manufacturing defects, extendable to 30 years when registered for Asona’s Renew and Reuse program.
Global GreenTag certified, Level A.
Renew & reuse program:
Soiled or damaged panels can be resurfaced with new Sonatex laminates for reuse in the ceiling. Helps extend life cycle and reduce construction waste.
Stewardship Program:
Register the ceiling installation on practical completion with Asona Renew and Reuse program.
Recycle packaging after use, contact Asona for reuse option.
Quality Assurance
ISO 9001 (Quality Management) |
Global GreenTag Pty Ltd
OWA:OG01:2022:GR |
Building Product Information Requirements
Legal Trading Name:
Odenwald Faserplattenwerk GmbH,
Business Email:
Contact Number/s:
+64 09 5256575
Legal Trading Name:
Asona Limited
Business Email:
Contact Number/s:
09 5256575
Product Identifier
OWA73792.0612W - 15 X 600 X 1200 MM, 03 - SQ
OWA77608.0606W - 15 X 600 X 600 MM, 6 - REBATED
OWA77612.0612W - 15 X 600 X 1200 MM 6 - REBATED
This product has no warnings associated with it.