Company Name Perry Grating FRP (Fibre Reinforced Polymer) Grating
Perry Grating
Applications: Isopthalic Polyester, Vinyl Ester, in Grit top on Concave finish
Company Name Safety Grating Heelguard, Heel n Wheel
Perry Grating
Perry Grating offers pedestrian safe Grating options for public accessways-trolley heel & toe safe.
Company Name Abet Laminati high pressure laminate
Design Laminates 2007 Ltd
Italian designer laminates from Europes largest laminate producer with the the best European design.
Company Name Superform ICF Insulated Concrete Formwork Polystyrene hollow interlocking blocks
Superform Building Systems Ltd
Modules join to form hollow interlocking blocks
Company Name Accumen Shapes KickIt plastered lightweight exterior decorative mouldings
Accumen Shapes Ltd
Manufacturer of lightweight exterior decorative mouldings and shapes.
Company Name Marblo solid surface
Design Laminates 2007 Ltd
Marblo is a hybrid polymer solid surface that has been made in Australia for over 30 years
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