Dimondek® 630
For Designer, Metallic and Gloss colours, download the ColorCote® special colours brochure.

675mm sheet
Dimondek ® 630 Performance
Dimondek®630 is a revolutionary concealed clip profile, which can be manufactured onsite in lengths up to 100m. Dimondek® 630’s onsite manufacturing allows for gutter to gutter sheets in a continuous draped curve. The greater span capability means fewer purlins are required and it’s faster to install. With no screw holes through the roof, leaks are virtually eliminated meaning your roof lasts longer. With improved lifecycle costs Dimondek® 630 is the most economical concealed clip roofing profile on the market.

All dimensions given are nominal
Sheet Tolerances
Sheet width: ±5mm
Sheet length: +10mm, –0mm.
*To achieve a high level of appearance on the completed roof, it is important that the purlin layout alignment is laid within the tolerances as stated in Section
(1) Recommended maximum purlin spacing at minimum radius
(2) Based on 1.1kN point load support, but not intended for roof access.
n/a – not available
Roll-forming facilities at: Mobile machine based in Hamilton, and can be moved to site when required.
Sheet lengths:Dimondek® 630 is custom run to order.
Where long sheets are used consideration must be given to:
- Special transportation licences for sheet lengths over 25m
- Site access for special lifting equipment
- Fixing techniques to accommodate thermal expansion. Refer Section of Technical Manual.
- Possibility of manufacturing sheets on site, sheets length up to 100m long are possible, when rolled on site.
DD630 Limit State Load / Span Capacity
(span in mm, distributed ultimate loads in kPa)
- In any category, spans above the maximum shown should not be used. Category 1 and 2 maximum spans are based on static point load testing as a guide, and further limited by practical experience of roof performance under dynamic foot traffic loads. Category 3 maximum spans are limited as a guide to achieving satisfactory appearance for wall cladding.
- Loads given are based on clip fastening every rib at every purlin.
- Loads given are limited to a maximum of 2.6 kPa. If design requirements exceed this limit, contact Dimond for specific advice.
- Spans beyond 3.6m are not recommended.
- For the purposes of serviceability design, the serviceability limit, limited by permanent rib deformation, occurs essentially at the same load as ultimate failure which is the point of disengagement of the roof with the clip.
- End span capacities given in this table are based on the end span being 2/3 of the internal span.
- Design Criteria for Limit State Capacities
- Serviceability Limit State
No deflection or permanent distortion that would cause unacceptable appearance, side lap leakage or water ponding, due to foot traffic point loads, inward or outward wind loads or snow loads. - Ultimate Limit State
No pull through of fixings or fastener withdrawal resulting in sheet detachment due to wind up-lift (outward) loads.
- Serviceability Limit State
- System Design
The span capacity of Dimondek® 630 is determined from the Dimondek®630 Limit State Load/Span Capacity Chart using the section of the chart appropriate to the grade and type of material, and to the category of serviceability selected from the three categories below. It is recommended that to obtain a dependable design strength capacity for the ultimate limit state, a reduction factor of Ø = 0.8 is applied.
The capacities given do not apply for cyclonic wind conditions. - Serviceability Requirements
While these categories are given for design guidance to meet the serviceability limit state criteria, foot traffic point load damage may still occur if there is careless placement of these point loads.
Unrestricted-access roof
Expect regular foot traffic to access the roof for maintenance work and able to walk anywhere on the roof. No congregation of foot traffic expected.
Restricted-access roof
Expect occasional foot traffic educated to walk only on the purlin lines, in the profile pans, or carefully across two profile ribs.
Walkways installed where regular traffic is expected, and “Restricted Access” signs placed at access points.
Non-access roof or wall
Walls or roofs where no foot traffic access is possible or permitted. If necessary, “No Roof Access” signs used. - Wind Pressure Guide
As a guide for non-specific design the following S.L.S. design loads in accordance with the MRM Roofing Code of Practice can be used for buildings less than 10m high, otherwise AS/NZS 1170.2 should be used
Low wind zone = 0.68kPa, Medium wind zone = 0.93kPa, High wind zone = 1.32kPa, Very high wind zone = 1.72kPa and Extra high wind zone = 2.09kPa.
DD630 Fastener Design
Dimondek® 630 is clip-fastened to either timber or steel purlins. The use of the appropriate type and length of fastener for clip
fixing will ensure failure by fastener pull out will not occur under loads within the scope of the Limit State Load / Span Capacity
*If sarking or insulation is used over the purlins or for wall cladding fixing onto a cavity batten, into the stud, the screw length will need to be increased.
The Dimondek® 630 perimeter clip must always be used over the first rib and clip on the first laid sheet.
For screw size range refer Section of Technical Manual.
The Limit State Load / Span Capacity Chart is based on every rib being clip fastened to every purlin or girt.
Design Example
Restricted access roof, 0.55mm G550 steel Dimondek® 630 has a maximum end span of 2800mm and a maximum internal span of 4200mm. The following distributed load capacities apply.