Viking Roofspec Enviroclad (TPO) Waterproofing Membrane
Product Technical Statement: 102459
Wide sheet, heat weldable, eco-friendly waterproofing membrane for low slope roofs, gutters, ponds.
Level of assurance needed to demonstrate NZ Building Code Compliance
Supporting documentation should include technical information by manufacturer and either a BRANZ or independent Appraisal or CodeMark
Viking Roofspec
confirms that this minimum level of assurance has been met or exceeded by the following:
CodeMark . BRANZ Appraisal 656 (2020)
Technical Statement
Scope of use
Viking Enviroclad Roofing and Deck Membrane System has been assessed as a roof and deck waterproofing membrane on buildings within the following scope:
- The scope limitations of NZS 3604:2011 and NZBC Acceptable Solution E2/AS1, Paragraph 1.1; or,
- The scope limitations of NZBC Acceptable Solution E2/AS1, Paragraph 1.1 with regards to building height and floor plan area when subject to specific structural design; and,
- Situated in NZS 3604:2011 Wind Zones, up to, and including Extra High; and,
- With substrates of plywood or suspended concrete slab.
Viking Enviroclad Roofing and Deck Membrane System has also been assessed for use as a roof and deck waterproofing membrane on specifically designed buildings within the following scope;
- Subject to specific structural and weathertightness design situated in wind pressures up to a maximum design differential ultimate limit state (ULS) of 2.7kPa; and,
- With substrates of plywood or suspended concrete slab.
- With the weathertightness design of junctions for each specific structure being the responsibility of the building designer.
New Zealand Building Code (NZBC)
The product will, if employed in accordance with the supplier's installation and maintenance requirements, assist with meeting the following provisions of the building code:
- Clause B1 Structure: Performance B1.3.1, B1.3.2, B1.3.3, B1.3.3(a), B1.3.3(c), B1.3.3(e), B1.3.3(h), B1.3.3(m), B1.3.3(p), B1.3.4, B1.3.4(b), B1.3.4(c), B1.3.4(d), B1.3.4(e)
- Clause B2 Durability: Performance B2.3.1, B2.3.1(b), B2.3.2, B2.3.2(a)
- Clause E2 External moisture: Performance E2.3.1, E2.3.2, E2.3.7, E2.3.7(b), E2.3.7(c)
- Clause F2 Hazardous building materials: Performance F2.3.1
The product meets the requirements set out in the following documents, or relevant parts of cited standards within the documents:
Please refer to the CodeMark certificate attached for all evidence of compliance.
Supporting evidence
The product has and can make available the following additional evidence to support the above statements:
Product Criteria
Design requirements
Product specification and incorporation of Viking Enviroclad into the building design shall be carried out by a designer/architect/engineer or a building professional who:
- Is qualified to design the buildings covered under the 'Scope' of use of this product.
- Has ready access to the technical specifications including installation details and standards referenced in the appraisal where the design limitations are outlined for the scope of this PTS.
Enviroclad is supplied as a complete system with proprietary heat-weldable accessories to deal with roof penetrations including internal and external corners and pourable pockets. Click here for a comprehensive list of accessories.
Installation requirements
- Installation shall be carried out by a Viking Roofspec trained and licensed installer.
- Installation shall be undertaken in accordance with all relevant technical information related to the selected installation method, including information contained within the BRANZ Appraisal No. 656 (2015) and the Viking Roofspec Enviroclad Applicator Handbook, version 1.2 (20/05/2015).
- Installer must complete the Substrate Checklist: concrete (September 2013) or Substrate Checklist: Plywood (March 2015).
Maintenance requirements
- Maintenance requirements for Enviroclad are outlined in Viking's 'Membrane Care and Maintenance Guide'.
- In the event of damage to the membrane, the membrane must be repaired by an approved applicator only who can remove the damaged portion and heat weld a patch as for new work.
- Drainage outlets must be maintained to operate effectively.
The Viking Enviroclad system is backed by a 20-year product warranty. For specific projects, Enviroclad may be eligible for Viking's Full System Warranty, which covers the product and installation in one document, for a 20-year period.
Enviroclad is US ENERGY STAR rated and Cool Roof Rating Council certified. In New Zealand, the reduction in energy consumption will contribute points to a building's Green Star rating. Other environmental benefits include:
- Product supplied cut-to-length means minimal waste.
- 100% recycling of off-cuts during its manufacturing process.
- Aged, installed Enviroclad is 100% recyclable due to the absence of chlorinators and plasticisers.
- Solar reflectivity = lower energy usage for cooling buildings (white Enviroclad offers 92% solar reflectivity).
- Its ability to be installed over existing membranes means no dumping of old product into local land-fill.
- Enviroclad is officially potability-certified for collecting drinking water off a roof.
- Heat weldability (just hot air) means no oil based tapes and primers.
- It can be installed using mechanical fastenings which negates the need for adhesive if desired.
Quality Assurance
ISO 9001 (Quality Management) |
Member of New Zealand Green Building Council |
656 |
Date last validated:
07 July 2020 |
Date last updated:
07 July 2020 |
The Product Technical Statement (PTS) template is copyright to Construction Information Limited. However the content of this PTS is the responsibility of the product manufacturer/supplier.
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